מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. die; go aloft; decease; conk; croak; depart
| как
כלל. how now
| герой
כלל. hero

умереть vמתח
Gruzovik die
כלל. go aloft; decease; conk; croak; depart (эвф. на англ. Elina Semykina); evaporate; expire; part; perish; snuff; succumb (от чего-либо); pass away; become food for worms; drop off; go bung; go hence; go to glory; pack up; pass in; pass on; pass over; bump off; divide; pike; go to one's account; breathe one's last (breath); cash in one's check; close one's days; draw one's last breath; get one's quietus; hand in one's check; hand in one's chips; kick up one's heels; pass in one's chips; pay one's debt to nature; slip one's cable; cross the Great Divide; cross the Stygian ferry; cross the river; go off the hooks; hop the perch; hop the stick; hop the twig; join the great majority; pass beyond the veil; pop off the hooks; quit the stage; take the ferry; breathe out one's last; catch one's death; come to an end; go to davit; breathe last gasp; breathe last; close days; dine with Mohammed; do and die; do or die; end days; get quietus; go meet Maker; go the way of all things; go to Maker; lay bones; quit this scene of troubles; suffer death; take exit; turn toes to the daisies; cock nose; crease it; drop a cue; gasp last; go from hence into the other world; go to last home; go to long home; go to long rest; go to own place; hand in checks; leave the stage; sup with Pluto; be at peace; be with the Saints; breath last gasp; go to grass; kick up heels; make exit; pay debt to nature; shut lights out; to slinky one's breath one's wind; to slinky one's cable; go for a Burton (Anglophile); bust; step off; be at one's last moments (MichaelBurov); be at one's last moments of life (MichaelBurov); in the last thongs (MichaelBurov); in extremis (MichaelBurov); at the point of death (MichaelBurov); go off; go out; ring down the curtain (“This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-parrot.” 4uzhoj); meet maker (Mira_G); go to one's reward (КГА); drop; pass; take; kick up the bucket (NOWHEREMAN25); go to a better place (эвфемизм на английском Elina Semykina); sleep the big sleep (Elina Semykina); turn up one's toes to the daises (Johnny Bravo); buy a farm (Taras); die testate; slip breath; slip wind; pop off (особ. внезапно); be with the saints; join the dead (Taras); sleep; taste of death; be out of the world; yield the breath; yield up the breath; yield the ghost; yield the life; yield up the life; die; sleep one's last sleep; lose the number of one's mess; be gone (TranslationHelp)
.אוסטר, .סְלֶנ throw a seven
.אידיו cash in one's chips (применяется как глагол shergilov); meet your maker (встретить своего создателя bavariya); go out of this world (Bobrovska); fall off perch (myroslava_Pro); fall off one's perch (Burkot); breathe one's last breath (Bobrovska); turn one's toes (z484z); sleep with the fishes ("спать с рыбами" значит, что вас убили, а тело спрятали от посторонних глаз. Это выражение часто использовалось в СМИ, изображающих американскую мафию или организованную преступность. Образ представляет собой тело убитого человека, которое бросают в водоем, чтобы его не нашли: Cutie pie, if you don't give back the dough, you'll sleep with the fishes Taras)
.אידיו, .סְלֶנ bite the dust (В.И.Макаров)
.אידיו, .שֶׁל hang up one's hat
.אמריק kick; hand in one's account; call off all bets; be called to account; go to account; step off the curb (Anglophile); peace out (Taras); go up; be called to one's to hand to one's account; go called to one's to hand to one's account; go over the Divide; hand in one's accounts
.אמריק, .סְלֶנ hand in chips; pass in chips; check out (North American informal "Die.": ‘I landed in the hospital with dysentery and I almost checked out'); cash in chips
.בריטי pop one's clogs (КГА)
.דיאלק tip off the perch; tip up heels
.הומור go over to the great majority (Bobrovska)
.ווּלג crap out; lead apes in hell
.כִּתב enter within the veil; enter within the veiling
.לָטִי aut vincere aut mori; exit
.לא רש go west; peg out; pip out; tip over the perch; skip (часто skip out); snuff out; hand in one's dinner-pail (Anglophile); turn in one's dinner-pail (Anglophile); bite the big one (zoologist); go off the stocks; go to pot; go to the pot; keel over dead (обычно внезапно: "Jennifer came in second, before she keeled over dead." joyand); be out the road; cash the chip; go pop; hand in one's dinner pail; pass in one's dinner pail; skip out; slip off the hooks; turn in one's dinner pail; be laid on the shelf
.לא רש, .אמריק cross over (перейти в мир иной)
.מיושן starve; be off the handle; cash in one's check; go off the handle; hand in one's check; pass in one's check
.נִשׂג be no more
.נדיר stick spoon in the wall; end; drop over (I live fast and will drop over early, I know. 4uzhoj)
.סְלֶנ kick in; kick off; knock off work; pop off; cut one's cable; turn up one's toes; bump; cash one's chips; cash in one's chips; conk out; dance off; give someone the foot; go; guit it; hand in one's checks chips; kick the bicket; kiss off; kiss the dust; knock it; knock it off; knock off; off; pass in one's checks chips; take the last long count; throw in the sponge (towel); tip over; turn belly up go belly up; turn up one's toes to the daisies turn one's toes up; buy the farm; pass in the checks; shoot star; slip cable; turn up toes; cut cable; hung up hat; lay down fork and knife; buy the big one (I don't plan to buy the big one for at least another 30 years. Я не планирую умереть, как минимум, ещё тридцать лет. Interex); get one's ticket punched (Interex); take the long count (Interex); check out; lose the number of mess; keel over (Um …has some relative I don't know about keeled over and left you a fortune? Гм... какой-то твой родственник, ранее мне неизвестный, умер и оставил тебе состояние? Rust71); expedite into eternity (Taras); quit it; peg it (VLZ_58); turn toes up; park (припарковаться на вечную стоянку sergberg); slip off the handle (Bobrovska); kick over
.סְלֶנ, .אוסטר do the seven; throw to do the seven
.פִּתג go swimming with the fishes (особенно стать жертвой убийства Sub-Zero)
.צִיוּ quit the scene; depart; peep over; cross the Great D.; disappear; turn the corner (He has turn’d the corner, i.e., gone away so as no more to be seen Taras)
.צורת meet death
.רְפוּ breathe one's last (MichaelBurov)
.שֶׁל sell the farm (UniversalLove); cross (Alaven); pass upon; assume room temperature (Jerk)
.שֶׁל, .תרגום be six feet under (Andrey Truhachev)
.שפה ע tip off
.תרגום kick the bucket; give up the ghost
cross the Styx; cross the bar; demise; end one's days; go beyond the veil; go down into the tomb; go home; go out of the world; go over to the majority; go the way of all flesh; go the way of all living; go the way of all the earth; go the way of all the flesh; go the way of nature; go to glory (скончаться, разделить участь всех смертных, отправиться на тот свет, отправиться к праотцам, уйти на покой, покинуть этот бренный мир); go to heaven; go to one's last home; go to one's long home; go to one's long rest; go to one's own place; go to the great majority; join the angels; join the majority; join the silent majority; lay one's bones; pass over to the great majority; snuff it; yield up breath; yield up the ghost; slip one's breath; slip one's wind; cash in checks; die away (о чувствах); die down (о чувствах); draw last breath; enter behind the veil; enter beyond the veil; be on the shelf; breathe one's breath; breathe one's last breath; get one's to get the call; give life; go behind the veil; go home in a box; go to the majority; go within the veil; make a die of it; pass behind the veil; pass from; pass over to the majority; pass over to the silent majority; pass within the veil; pay debt to nature (отдать дань природе); sink to rest; succumb to (от чего-либо); yield up life; shut one's lights out
умер v
.לָטִי Obiit ("died", O.); obit
.סְלֶנ brown bread (Interex); hovis (Old Jim is hovis. Interex)
.סַפרָ died
ящик умереть v
.רְפוּ, .סְלֶנ box
он умер v
.סְלֶנ he bought it
 רוסית אוצר מילים
умерев v
כלל. деепр. от умереть
умереть как герой
: 807 צירופים, 42 נושאים
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