מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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удлинённый зарядמתח
Gruzovik Bangalore torpedo (a piece of metal pipe filled with an explosive, used primarily to clear a path through barbed wire or to detonate land mines; "Bangalore" is usually capitalized)
.אסטרו linear-shaped charge; primacord; linear shaped charge
.גיאופ line charge
.טֶכנו distributed charge (взрывчатого вещества); linear charge; extended charge (при взрывных работах)
.כְּרִ column charge
.נפט/נ cylindrical charge; elongated charge
.פינוי linear cutting charge (Scorz)
Gruzovik, .פינוי bangalore torpedo (a piece of metal pipe filled with an explosive, used primarily to clear a path through barbed wire or to detonate land mines)
distributed charge; extended charge
удлинённый подрывной заряд
.טֶכנו extended charge; line charge; linear explosive charge; linear charge
bar mine; cord mine
 רוסית אוצר מילים
удлинённый заряд
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удлинённый заряд: 64 צירופים, 6 נושאים
מערכות אבטחה1
נפט וגז1
רכבים משוריינים1