מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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потаенный adj.מתח
Игорь Миг shadowy
потаённый adj.
Gruzovik secret; secreted (placed out of sight; kept secret); concealed
Игорь Миг pent-up; insidious
כלל. secreted; latent (Liv Bliss); hidden (Andrey Truhachev); underlying (The manifest content [of dreams] is the actual literal subject matter of the dream while the latent content is the underlying meaning of these symbols. I. Havkin); dark; occult; perdu; perdue; underhand
.אַסטר occulted
.ארכיט clandestine
.הִתבּ postern
.מיושן ulterior (Побеdа)
потаиться v
.לא רש conceal; go into hiding; hide oneself (from); keep hidden; secrete
Gruzovik, .לא רש hide oneself from; conceal; secrete; keep hidden
Gruzovik, .מיושן go into hiding
потаить v
.לא רש keep hidden; secrete
Gruzovik, .לא רש conceal; secrete; keep hidden
потаённый: 14 צירופים, 2 נושאים