מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. hands up (Hands up who thought about dating their cousin?); hands up; hands up! (на уроке и т.п.)
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כלל. stick up your hands!
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כלל. put up a hand; challenge the authority of (someone, something); lift hand against (на кого-либо); put one's own hand up (на уроке Ekvlal); bring one's hand up (чью-либо: And you bring her hands up. And then, you come forward just a little bit, and back. Hey, baby! Good job! – поднимаем ручки ART Vancouver); question the authority of (someone, something); raise their hand (A student raises their hand and asks the teacher a question. Alex_Odeychuk)
.אידיו raise a hand (to someone: I never raise a hand to my children (or my wife) and instead discipline through discussion and by example. 4uzhoj)
.בית ס hold up hand (If you know the answer hold up your hand. Mavka)
.פִּתג dare to strike to raise one's hand against (someone)
up with arm; up with hand; lift one's hand; raise one's hand
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כלל. throw in one's hand (т.е. сдаться); throw up one's hand (т.е. сдаться); put up hands; put up one's hands
raise one's hands
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.סְלֶנ reach for the sky
поднимите руки: 54 צירופים, 6 נושאים
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