מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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перетаскать vמתח
Gruzovik carry from one place to another all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать); drag from one place to another all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать); pull from one place to another all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать)
כלל. carry; drag; pull from one place to another
.לא רש carry away (all or a quantity of); bring (all or a quantity of); haul (from one place to another); carry off; steal
.צִיוּ, .לא רש steal (all or a quantity of); lift; pinch
Gruzovik, .לא רש bring all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать); carry away all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать)
Gruzovik, .צִיוּ pinch all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать); lift all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать); steal all or a quantity of (pf of перетаскивать)
перетаскать: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים