מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. other than in cash (payments other than in cash for service not in the course of the employer's trade or business. Alexander Demidov); by direct credit (In banking, a direct deposit (or direct credit) is a deposit of money by a payer directly into a payee's bank account. Direct deposits are most commonly made by businesses in the payment of salaries and wages and for the payment of suppliers' accounts, but the facility can be used for payments for any purpose, such as payment of bills, taxes, and other government charges. Direct deposits are most commonly made by means of electronic funds transfers effected using online, mobile, and telephone banking systems but can also be effected by the physical deposit of money into the payee's bank account. WK | Unlike Direct Debit, making payment by direct credit means that clicking "Make payment" on a completed contribution schedule isn't the end of the process for ... Alexander Demidov)
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