מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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Много воды утекло с тех порמתח
.הִיסט Long period has elapsed since (Сынковский)
много воды утекло с тех пор
כלל. much water has flown under the bridge since that time; there has been many a peck of salt eaten since that time; much water has flowed under the bridges since then (Franka_LV); much water has flowed under the bridge since then (Franka_LV); a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then
.פִּתג much water has flown under the bridges; a lot of water has flown under the bridge; much water has flowed under the bridges since that time; much water has passed under the bridges since that time; there has been many a peck of salt eaten since
Много воды утекло с тех пор: 4 צירופים, 3 נושאים
אמריקאי שימוש, לא איות1