מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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lapping ['læpɪŋ] נ
.בְּנִ minium battu
.כִּימ rodage m
lapping ['læpɪŋ] v
.מֵטַל rodage à l'abrasif libre
.מכשיר abrasage
.תַחְב, .מדעי rodage au rodoir
.תַעֲש affûtage
.תקשור surimpression
lap [læp] v
כלל. repliure; bande
.טֶכנו, .הנדסת recouvrement
.תַעֲש ouate
.תַעֲש, .בְּנִ patte; nappe; superposition; couche; rouleau de nappe
.תַעֲש, .בְּנִ, .מֵטַל frottoir; polissoir; manipleF; manotteB; pli
.תעשיי nappe de fibres
pastille; recouvrir (over); couvrir (over); sertir; agrafer; replier; plier
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
LAP [læp] v
.טֶכנו leucine amino peptidase
.נוֹטָ Logistics Assistance Program; Library Access Project; Learning Assistance Program; Lawyers Assistance Program; La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Aeropuerto General Marquez De Leon (Airport Code Alex Lilo); Laboratorio Accreditato de Prova (Accredited Testing Lab, Italy Alex Lilo); Laboratory Accreditation Program (Alex Lilo); Laboratory Analytical Protocol (Alex Lilo); Laboratory Associates Program (Alex Lilo); Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics; Laboratory of Aviation Psychology; Lagarde`re Active Publicite' (France Alex Lilo); Lan Access Point (Alex Lilo); LAN Access Profile (Bluetooth, SPP, LAN); Lan Access Profile (Alex Lilo); Language for Academic Purposes (Alex Lilo); Laryngeal Adductor Paralysis (Alex Lilo); Laser Applications (radiation therapy laser vendor Alex Lilo); Last Agent Pending (Alex Lilo); Launch Assembly Plan (Alex Lilo); Launcher Avionics Package (Alex Lilo); Leadless Array Package (Alex Lilo); LEED Accredited Professional (United States Green Building Council Alex Lilo); Lesbian and Proud (Alex Lilo); Letter of Adoption and Procurement (military Alex Lilo); Liberian Action Party (Liberia Alex Lilo); Liberty Alliance Project (Alex Lilo); Library Association of Portland (Alex Lilo); LIDAR Atmospheric Profiler (Alex Lilo); Lifetime Annuity Payout (Alex Lilo); Light Armor Platoon (Alex Lilo); Link Access Procedure / Protocol (CCITT, X.25); Lipopolysaccharide-Associated Protein (Alex Lilo); Liver Activator Protein (Alex Lilo); Load, Assemble & Pack (Alex Lilo); Local Access Port (ER-5 FR Switch); Local Administrator Processor (Cisco Alex Lilo); Local Analysis Point (Alex Lilo); Local Authentication Plugin (Microsoft Windows CE Alex Lilo); Local Average Power (Alex Lilo); Localised Area for Play (playground design Alex Lilo); Location Audit Program (Alex Lilo); Lohamah Psichlogit (Hebrew: psychological warfare, Mossad department Alex Lilo); London Airport; Louisiana Association of Principals (Alex Lilo); Lyophilized Anterior Pituitary (tissue Alex Lilo); life assurance policy; Linde Air Products Co.; London Air Port
.נוֹטָ, .אונקו lymphadenopathy (Ying)
.נוֹטָ, .ביוטכ localization and affinity purification (Altuntash)
.נוֹטָ, .ביולו left atrial pressure; leucine aminopeptidase
.נוֹטָ, .הנדסת laminated aluminum-polyethylene
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Light And Power; Linc Assembly Program
.נוֹטָ, .מִשׁט Local Area Policing
.נוֹטָ, .מֶרחָ launch assist platform; low altitude penetration
.נוֹטָ, .מָתֵי Linear assignment problem (Altuntash)
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי Landsat Applications Program
.נוֹטָ, .מיקרו location aware printing (ssn)
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר large-area panel; large area prober; large area processing; laser profile system; lens array processor; lesson assembly program; line access point; logical access path; logical address plug; low altitude performance
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר, .מַדָע Logic Audio Platinum
.נוֹטָ, .נַוָט, .מַדָע Local Analysis and Prediction
.נוֹטָ, .סיומת Linux Application Platform
.נוֹטָ, .סקוטי Loading, Assembling & Packing; Local Air Picture
.נוֹטָ, .פִיסִ, .רְפוּ Laparotomy; Left Atrial Pressure; Low Age Profile
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ Latency-associated Protein; Leukemia-associated Phenotype; Leukemia-associated Phosphoprotein; Liver-enriched Transcriptional Activator Protein; Leucine AminoPeptidase; leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (Vosoni)
.נוֹטָ, .רפואת Localized Aggressive Periodontitis
.נוֹטָ, .רשת מ lightweight access point (rex astennu)
.נוֹטָ, .רשת מ, .טכנול Link Access Procedure; Link Access Protocol
.נוֹטָ, .שם הא Local Audit Programme
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ La Paz, Mexico; list of applicable publications; Laboratory of Aviation psychology
.נוֹטָ, .תִכנו location-aware printing (ssn)
.נוֹטָ, .תקשור link access protocol
.תעשיי loading, assembly and packing; local automatic protection
launch analysis panel; leadership assessment program; load, assembly, pack; logistics assistance program; low-altitude penetration; low-altitude performance
lap [læp] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .בְּנִ lath and plaster
.רְפוּ laparotomy (Vosoni)
lapping: 216 צירופים, 29 נושאים
הנדסת מכונות11
טכנולוגית מידע2
לא רשמי1
לימודי תרבות2
מדעי החברה1
מדעי החומרים3
מדעי הטבע2
מכשירי חשמל2
עיבוד עץ4
רכבת ציוד2
תחביבים ובילויים1
תעשיית הטקסטיל20
תעשיית המזון1