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n NCR | n קיצור.
מחש. エヌシーアール
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
NCR קיצור.
.נוֹטָ no carbon required (paper); National Cash Register Co.; natural circulation reactor; no-carbon reversal paper
.נוֹטָ, .מֶרחָ nitrile-chloroprene rubber; nonconformance/failure report; not combat ready
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי National Research Council; National Research Council (Italy)
.נוֹטָ, .נפט/נ nitrile/chloroprene rubber
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ nonlinear correlation receiver
ncr קיצור.
.נוֹטָ no carbon required
NCR קיצור.
.טֶכנו nonconformance rating; nonconforming condition report; notification-of-change report
.מאגרי, .טכנול Engineering Non-conformance
.נוֹטָ National Capital Region; National Capitol Region; Non Conformance Report; National Church Residences; Non Conformance Reports; National Cyber Range (ВВладимир); Non-Conformance Report; noncompliance report; National US? Cash Register (Corporate name); National Cash Registers (Hersteller, AT&T); National Cryptologic Representative; Navy Code Room; No Carbon Required Paper (Александр Рыжов); NSA/Central Security Service Representative; NSA/Cryptologic Support Service Representative; nuclear; national cryptologic representative; National Security Agency/Central Security Service representative
.נוֹטָ, .בְּדִ nonconformity report (MichaelBurov)
.נוֹטָ, .בּוּר N C R Corporation
.נוֹטָ, .גידול nutrient to calorie ratio
.נוֹטָ, .גנטיק nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio
.נוֹטָ, .הגנה the national cyber range
.נוֹטָ, .הובלה North Central Railroad
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Numeric Character Reference; national cash register company (Bricker)
.נוֹטָ, .כִּימ, .מַדָע No Carbon Required
.נוֹטָ, .מָתֵי, .מַדָע The Number Of Combinations Of R
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר AND character register; National Cash Register Corp.; neighborhood counting register; Networked Computing Resource of AT&T Corp.; noise-to-carrier ratio; non-coherent radiator
.נוֹטָ, .נַוָט normal continuous rating
.נוֹטָ, .סִימָ National Cash Register; Nick Carter Racing; Numerical Computing Resources
.נוֹטָ, .סחלין nonconformance report
.נוֹטָ, .עיבוד normal continuous revolution (quora.com WhiteOfficer)
.נוֹטָ, .פִיסִ, .רְפוּ No Change Response
.נוֹטָ, .פְּסִ noncontingent reinforcement
.נוֹטָ, .פולימ nitryl chloroprene rubber
.נוֹטָ, .פלסטי nitrile chloroprene rubber
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ No Cardiac Resuscitation; National Cancer Registry
.נוֹטָ, .רשת מ, .טכנול Network Control Room
.נוֹטָ, .שירות Non Compliance Report (USPS records uninstalled engineering changes)
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ San Carlos, Nicaragua; nonconformance record; non-conformance record; NSS communication router
.נוֹטָ, .תקשור New California Republic
.תעשיי non-compliance report
national capital region; naval construction regiment; no calibration required; notification of change report