מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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hub [hʌb] נ
כלל. diramatore m; stazione terrestre centrale di controllo
.הנדסת mozzo m; mozzo del rotore; bicchiere m
.הקלטת nucleo di una testina magnetica
.טכנול diramatore/concentratore m
.מֵטַל biffa di livello; punzone d'improntatura
.מכשיר nucleo m
.ממשל polo m; centro d'elaborazione
.מנועי giogo rotorico
.תַחְב aeroporto principale; piattaforma per lo smistamento postale; piattaforma f
.תַחְב, .תְעוּ aeroporto centrale; aeroporto di smistamento
.תַחְב, .תְעוּ, .אנגלי hub m
Hub [hʌb] נ
.מיקרו hub m (A place to access a set of related content and experiences. A Hub brings together apps, services and content of the same theme. A Hub weaves apps, services and content together in a way that makes sense, so that everyday tasks are easier, with fewer steps)
hubs נ
.פטנטי mozzi m
hub station [hʌb] נ
.רָדִי stazione centrale
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
hub [hʌb] נ
.ארצות An organization that sorts and distributes inbound cargo from wholesale supply sources airlifted, sealifted, and ground transportable and/or from within the theater (JP 4-09) ראה גם hub and spoke distribution, spoke
.טכנול A common connection point for devices in a network, hubs are used to connect segments of a local area network (A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets; LAN)
HUB [hʌb] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ Hear Understand Believe; Hands Uplifting Brookwood; Hidden Untidy Bits; Historically Underutilized Business; Historically Underutilized Businesses; Home Unity Bible; Humbert River, Northern Territory, Australia
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Home User And Business
.נוֹטָ, .מַדָע Housing Union Building; Husky Union Building
.נוֹטָ, .מכוני hub unit bearing
.נוֹטָ, .פִיסִ, .רְפוּ Hairy Under Bottom; Helps U Barf; Human Underwater Breathing
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ heavy uterine bleeding (ННатальЯ)
.נוֹטָ, .רשת מ, .טכנול Helping U Better
.נוֹטָ, .תעשיי Hopelessly Undercooked Burgers
Hub [hʌb] נ
.רשת מ, .נוֹטָ H
hub: 108 צירופים, 16 נושאים
אנרגיית רוח1
הנדסת מכונות41
טכנולוגית מידע1
טעינת ציוד1
מדעי כדור הארץ3
מכשירי חשמל1
ממשל תאגידי2
שם הארגון1
תכנון עירוני2