מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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stocktaking ['stɔk'teɪkɪŋ] נמתח
Gruzovik инвентарная опись
כלל. критический пересмотр (событий, политики); критический анализ (событий, политики); переучёт товара; проверка инвентаря, фонда; обзор; переоценка ценностей; переучёт; проверка фонда; инвентаризация товарно-материальных запасов (The process of counting and evaluating inventory (stock-in-trade), usually at an organization's year end in order to value the total stock for preparation of the accounts. In more sophisticated organizations, in which permanent stock records are maintained, stock is counted on a random basis throughout the year to compare quantities counted with the quantities that appear in the, usually, computerized records. OB&M Alexander Demidov); проведение инвентаризации товарно-материальных запасов (1. (especially BrE) the process of making a list of all the goods in a shop/store or business • closed for stocktaking compare ↑inventory 2. the process of thinking carefully about your own situation or position • She had some mental stocktaking to do. OALD Alexander Demidov); критический пересмотр или анализ (событий, политики); инвентаризация товарных запасов (the process of making a list of all the goods or materials that a company, shop/store, etc. has stored and available for use or sale; the time when this is done: The warehouse is closed for stocktaking. • We do the end-of-year stocktaking in March. OBED Alexander Demidov); инвентаризация товара (the activity of counting the goods or materials owned by a company or available for sale in a store at a particular time: "The car maker will stop its production lines for three days next week for stocktaking. "She's doing stocktaking. CBED Alexander Demidov); проведение инвентаризации товарно-материальных ценностей (an occasion when a company or shop makes a list of all the materials and goods that it has a supply of; = inventory AmE: • The group uncovered the loss after year-end stocktaking. LBED Alexander Demidov)
.בקרת создание запасов
.חשבונ проведение инвентаризации (также taking (a physical) inventory; physical inventory account>); переучёт запасов
.כַּלְ инвентаризация; переучёт товаров; пополнение запасов
.מַחסָ пополнение запаса товаров
.עיסוק учёт
.פוליג проверка фондов
Gruzovik, .לוֹגִ материальный учёт
критический анализ (событий, политики и т.п.); проверка инвентаря; инвентаризация запасов (The counting over of materials or goods on hand, as in a stockroom or store; Пересчет материалов, товаров, имеющихся в наличии, напр., в магазине или на складе); критический пересмотр (событий, политики и т.п.); снятие остатков (Stocktaking is the counting of all the goods, materials, etc. kept in a place such as a shop. andrei+++); обзор (событий, политики и т.п.)
stocktakings נ
כלל. инвентаризации (stocktaking (countable and uncountable, plural stocktakings) 1. the act of taking an inventory of merchandise etc. 2. the reappraisal of a situation or of one's prospects. WT Alexander Demidov)
stocktaking: 29 צירופים, 10 נושאים
בקרת איכות ותקנים1
הבנק האירופי לשיקום ופיתוח3
יישוב סכסוכים חלופי2