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spoiler alertמתח
כלל. "Внимание, спойлер!" (capricolya); предупреждение о спойлерах (a reviewer's warning that a plot spoiler is about to be revealed capricolya); предупреждение (VLZ_58); предупреждение (A spoiler alert is an indication, placed in a text, that the plot of a drama is about to be exposed. • We have a saying on this show that conspiracy theories are just spoiler alerts. ...In a few months we normally see the truth. It started out, perhaps, as a conspiracy theory, but then it unfolds and we get the truth. wiktionary.org, youtube.com Alexander Oshis); спойлер (A spoiler alert is an indication, placed in a text, that the plot of a drama is about to be exposed. • We have a saying on this show that conspiracy theories are just spoiler alerts. ...In a few months we normally see the truth. It started out, perhaps, as a conspiracy theory, but then it unfolds and we get the truth. wiktionary.org, youtube.com Alexander Oshis)