מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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power-on self testמתח
.טֶכנו самотестирование при включении питания
.מכשיר самотестирование при включении электропитания
.תקשור самотестирование при включении питания (серия аппаратных проверок, выполняемых компьютером при его первом включении)
מחש. самотестирование при старте (dimock)
power-on self-test
.אסטרו программа самопроверки прибора при включении питания
.טכנול самотестирование при включении питания; процедура POST (unact.ru Bricker)
.רשת מ самоконтроль по включению; самотестирование после включения питания
.כלי מ самотестирование при включении питания (ssn)
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
power-on self test
.מיקרו Power-On Self Test (A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader)
.נוֹטָ, .כלי מ power-on selftest (ssn); power-on-self-test (ssn)
power-on self-test
.נוֹטָ, .כלי מ power-on selftest (ssn); power-on-self-test (ssn)
.נוֹטָ, .כלי מ power-on self test (ssn); power-on self-test (ssn); power-on selftest (ssn)
Power-On Self Test
.תקשור, .נוֹטָ POST
power-on self test A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader
.נוֹטָ, .מיקרו POST (Power-On Self Test)