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perpetuate [pə'peʧueɪt] vמתח
כלל. увековечить (This stone is erected by order of Vestry to perpetuate the memory of Mr. John Butler. / His permanent position in literature is due, no doubt, to the art and genius of Menander, whose creations he has perpetuated, as a fine engraver may perpetuate the spirit of a great painter whose works have perished.); сохранять навсегда; увековечивать (имя, память и т. д.; to make something such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous: Current policy only serves to perpetuate the old class divisions. [MED] Alexander Demidov); увековечиваться; увековечиться; возникать заново (I. Havkin); сохранить в веках (This act and the creation of a dukedom were to perpetuate his name. 4uzhoj); навсегда сохранить; навсегда сохранять; способствовать сохранению (Current policy only serves to perpetuate the old class divisions. 4uzhoj); продлить существование (to prolong the existence of something); сохранить (to prolong the existence of something: The aim of Sieyes was to perpetuate the republic, but in a bureaucratic or autocratic form. 4uzhoj); закрепить (These attempts to perpetuate the usage were finally discredited by Huxley's important Lectures on Comparative Anatomy (1864), in which the term was finally abolished. Sloneno4eg); усугублять (Ремедиос_П); усугубить (Ремедиос_П); навсегда продолжать
.בודהי увековечивать
.הידרו сохранять
.לא רש законсервировать (иногда: какое-либо явление, напр., коррупцию, положение, ситуацию и т.п. NickNadtochiy)
.משמעו, .רִשְׁ поддерживать (особенно негативный стереотип или слухи: People think of him as a cruel man, an image perpetuated by the media. cambridge.org Shabe); поддерживать (особенно стереотип или слухи: People think of him as a cruel man, an image perpetuated by the media. cambridge.org Shabe)
perpetuate race discrimination
: 37 צירופים, 9 נושאים
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