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akimbo [ə'kɪmbəu] adj.מתח
with arms akimbo; with legs akimbo
כלל. на поясе (о руках; см. with arms akimbo: A woman with arms akimbo. wiktionary.org); согнутый в локте и упёртый в бок (о руке В.И.Макаров); упёртый в бока (о руках; см. with arms akimbo); широко раскинутый (о руках или ногах В.И.Макаров)
акимбо (способ придать куриной тушке аккуратный вид: завести тонкий кончик крылышка назад и вверх, и обернуть поверх сустава, соедин. крыло с гр. клеткой Лиана Ш.)
akimbo [ə'kɪmbəu] עו"ד
כלל. уперев руки в бока (The man was standing akimbo. ); с руками на поясе (The man was standing akimbo. )
.כלי נ, .לא רש в обеих руках (об оружии, особ. огнестрельном)
.לא רש руки в боки (Vadim Rouminsky); подбоченясь (Vadim Rouminsky)
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
akimbo [ə'kɪmbəu] adj.
כלל. with a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward (not comparable; almost always used after the noun modified: "Now, then, mister," said he, with his head cocked and his arms akimbo, "what are you driving at? Let's have it straight, now." • Girls take hold of the skirts; boys place the hands akimbo, bend forward from the waist, and bow. • Men preferred one pose above all others, namely, the elbow akimbo. wiktionary.org)
akimbo [ə'kɪmbəu] עו"ד
כלל. into, in, or of the position where the arms are akimbo (The man was standing akimbo. • Otherwise, it is likely that she may be accosted as "dear" or "Sally,"—invited to take "a drop o' tea," or otherwise chaffed by rough women standing akimbo at street doors. • ...and the other end window bearing the figure of a woman standing akimbo with her right hand touching her right temple. wiktionary.org)
.כלי נ, .לא רש holding one weapon in each hand, especially in the case of firearms (Although it was a little impractical, Elmer held his revolvers akimbo because to him it looked cool. wiktionary.org)
akimbo: 44 צירופים, 5 נושאים
לא רשמי17
מיושן / מתוארך1