מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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clearance ['klɪ(ə)rəns] נ
.לוֹגִ Authorization given by name to certain officers and noncommissioned officers of traffic control units of acting on civilian traffic as to facilitate the movements of military vehicles. (FRA); A tactical task to remove all enemy forces from a specific location, area, or zone. 2. Elimination of signals on a radiotactical network so as to transmit on this network messages with higher priority. 3. The total elimination or neutralization of an obstacle that is usually performed by follow-on engineers and is not done under fire. (FRA)
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ Cam amylase; C sstandard
.תְעוּ An authorization issued by an ATC unit for an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit