מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים המכילים 考虑到M | כל הפורומים | לפי סדר מוגדר בלבד
.פינוי人们虽然考虑到炮泥长度,但没考虑到炮孔填塞材料和岩石粒度Some consideration is given to the stemming length but no consideration is given to the stemming material and particle size of the rock
.כַּלְ你们的申请将得到我方考虑Your application will have our attenuation
כלל.你帮了很多忙,考虑得很周到You are really very helpful and thoughtful
.כַּלְ如果将来我们之间的业务发展到适宜如此安排时,我愿考虑此建议I should be willing to consider this suggestion if future development of business between us justifies such an arrangement
כלל.应受到最优先考虑的事物a top priority
כלל.应受到最优先考虑的事物a first priority
.כַּלְ我们必须在薪水中考虑到生活费用的高低We must allow for the cost of living in the salaries
.כַּלְ我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved
.פינוי直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分考虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings
כלל.考虑估计make allowances for
כלל.考虑估计reckon for
כלל.M 考虑顾及 Mwith a glance to
כלל.考虑估计make allowance for
כלל.考虑到keep in mind
כלל.考虑到to say
כלל.考虑到seeing that
כלל.考虑到seeing that...
כלל.考虑到in respect that
כלל.考虑到 Mwith M in mind
כלל.M 考虑到Mwith provision for
.טֶכנו考虑到make allowance for
כלל.考虑到have in mind
考虑到figure up
.חרסינ, .פּוֹל考虑到in view of
.חרסינ考虑到take into consideration
.כַּלְ考虑到make allowance for
.כַּלְ考虑到make allowance for (unforeseen circumstances, 意外情况)
.כַּלְ考虑到make allowances for
.הִתעַ考虑到bear in mind
.כַּלְ考虑到allow for (this possibility, 这种可能性)
.חרסינ, .פּוֹל考虑到with a view to
考虑到take into account
כלל.考虑到have in view
כלל.考虑到in consideration of
.כַּלְ考虑到与卖方的关系,买方愿意放弃检验费用索赔The purchaser is willing to waive the claim on the inspection fee considering their relations with the seller
.כַּלְ考虑到你方一再推迟付款,我方不得不撤消合同In view of the fact that you delayed the payment again and again, we have to cancel this agreement
.כַּלְ考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
.כַּלְ考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
כלל.考虑到各种实际情况for the sake of realism
.טֶכנו考虑到实际in view of the fact
.כַּלְ考虑到彼此间的长期关系,我方同意对你方报盘作一次例外处理In view of our long connection n., we agree to make an exception of our offer
.מִסְח考虑到我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim
כלל.考虑到所有情况all things considered
כלל.考虑到有重大利害关系consider the immensity of the stake
.אֵקוֹ考虑到环境因素的经济environmentally determined economy
.כַּלְ考虑到目前的市场情况,我们同意和买方达成一个折衷办法Considering the present market situation, we agree to effect a compromise with the buyers
.כַּלְ考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步In view of the present situation we have made much concession
.בניית考虑到这种商品是新产品,我们再增加 1 % 的折扣Considering this is a new product, we'll allow you a further 1% discount.
כלל.考虑周到think out
כלל.考虑周到的well advised
כלל.考虑周到的计划mature plan
.האומו, .חשבונ考虑欠周到的方案ill-conceived programmes
.מָתֵי适当地考虑到with due regard for
כלל.适当地考虑到with due regard to
.ניהול预算考虑到了通货膨胀的准备金The budget made allowance for inflation