מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא מִסְחָר המכילים 目的 | כל הפורומים | לפי סדר מוגדר בלבד
不足以达到预期目的be inadequate for the purpose intended
专门目的special purpose
两个不同的项目two several items
五月二十日寄出的价目表依然有效The price list sent on May 20 still holds good
交易额尚不能证明目前安排独家代理是适当的The volume of business does not justify a sole agency arrangement at present
从总收入中的扣除项目deductions from gross income
企业经营的目标结构objective structure in enterprise's operation
促进我们在国际市场上目标的实现promote the achievement of our goals in the world market
全部费用在内目的地交货价格free delivered
兹附去800美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date
分项目的一览表itemized schedule
到达目的arrive at the destination
卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes
双方同意加以约束的项目mutually agreed upon constraints
双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
双方所能同意加以约束的项目mutually agreed-upon constraints
可行的项目viable project
基本目的fundamental purpose
目的指数multi purpose index
目的调查multi purpose survey
对社会基础设施项目按优惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
已结清的账目settled account
应你方要求,现寄来我方产品的目录本与价格表In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products
引进的项目introduced items
我方以发票金额的110%投保仅至目的Our insurance coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only
我方目前可以向你方提供所要求的货物We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
技术供应方参加项目的合资经营equity participation by a technology supplier
技术供应方参加项目的合资经营equity participation
投资项目的财务及经济可行性financial and economic viability of a project
指定目的港的成本加运费价C & F... named port of destination
指定的目的named port of destination (与指定的岀发港(named port of departure) 相对)
目的港交货净重计算on a net delivered weight
按时抵达目的arrive at the port of destination according to schedule
提单上的目的港应写为"伦敦/鹿特丹/汉堡任选"The destination on the bill of lading is to be written "London/Rotterdam/Hamburg optional"
最终目的last destination
有图片与价格的商品目录本a catalogue with pictures and prices
有图解的目录本illustrated catalogue
生产目的motive for production
用合适运输工具把货物运到目的carry the goods to the destination by proper conveyance
由于售货太多,目前不能接受新的定单Owing to heavy commitments, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
由于大量的订货,我们目前无力接受新的订单Owing to heavy bookings, we're not in a position to accept fresh orders at present
目前供应不能满足国际市场的需要Present supplies are not sufficient to meet the requirements in the international market
目前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs
目的亦缩为 DESTdestination
目的地放行单destination release
目的地集装箱堆场交货container yard delivery
目的place of destination
目的港唛头port mark
目的港码头交货价delivered ex quay
完税后目的港码头交货价格franco quay
目的港码头交货价格ex quay
目的港码头交货价格条件ex quay
目的港码头完税前交货价格ex quay duty unpaid
目的港码头完税后交货价格ex quay duty paid
目的港舱底交货价格ex ship's hold
目的港船上交货价格ex ship
目的港船上交货价格free overside
目的港船上交货价格free over side
目的港船边交货价格free over side
符合目的serve the purpose
调查目的survey objective
调查目的objective of survey
会计目的辅助记录supporting record
达到商业目的accomplish commercial purposes
运费付至目的地条件carriage paid to
运费付至指定目的地交货价格freight or carriage paid to... named point of destination
运费保险费付至目的地条件carriage and insurance paid to
这笔长期未清的账目必须偿付This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay
通用目的general purpose
鉴于目前的情况In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer
目的可靠性soundness of project
目的规模与性质magnitude and nature of project