מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא משאבי מים המכילים | כל הפורומים
共享电子对unshared electron pairs
净化污水non-purified wastewater
分解的烃类络合混合物unresolved complex mixtures of hydrocarbon
分解的络合混合物unresolved complex mixture
力口氯处理的饮用水unchlorinated drinking water
发酵肥料unfermented manure
增塑的聚氯乙烯unplasticised polyvinyl chloride
处理过的水untreated water
处理过的污水untreated waste
扰动土石方量bank yards
提出条约议案的地表水实际出流量surface water: outflow not submitted to treaties actual
提出条约议案的地表水入流量surface water: inflow not submitted to treaties
消毒原废水供水nonsterile raw wastewater feed
经处理的废水raw wastewater
络合金属离子uncomplexed metal ions
衬砌的灌渠unlined irrigation canal
被污染淡水水体unpolluted freshwater
被污染淡水湖泊unpolluted freshwater lake
被污染的水uncontamination water
配备灌溉设施的洪水退后种植面积flood recession cropping area non-equipped
配备灌溉设施的湿地耕地和内陆谷底cultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms non-equipped
镶面的救火软管unlined fire hose