מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא טֶכנוֹלוֹגִיָה המכילים 定 点 | כל הפורומים | לפי סדר מוגדר בלבד
三点固定门锁three-point lock
三点定位法three-point fix method
定点unfixed point
定点测深irregular sounding
不动点定理fixed-point theorem
不可达稳定点inaccessible stationary point
不确定结点chance event
世界定点海洋观测站fixed oceanographical stations of the world
世界定点海洋观测站fixed oceanographic stations of the world
定点缝合法fixed twopoint suture
二进制定点常数binary fixed point constant
二进制定点数据binary fixed point data
住宅群选址定点siting of houses
假定十进位的小数点assumed decimal point
假定主点principal-point of assumption
假定主点assumed principal-point
假定原点false origin
假定天底点conventional plumb point
假定水准标点point of reference
假定水准点reference mark
假定的小数点virtual decimal point
像点定位image point setting
光点大小测定spot measurement
克林不动点定理Kleene's theorem on fixpoint
冰点测定freezing test
冰点测定法algoscopy (溶液)
冻点测定freezing test
凝固点测定装置measuring apparatus for solidification point
凝点安定性pour stability
分式定点fractional fix-point
分式定点fractional fix-point method
定点prefixed point
前景标定点foreground collimating mark
加有稳定剂的地基加载点loading point
十进定点常数fixed-point decimal constant
十进位定点常数decimal fixed-point constant
半固定点partially fixed point
半固定支点semi-fixed support
半固定支点partially fixed support
单点固定压力机single-point stationary press
单点定位point position
单点定周期信号isolated fixed cycle signal
双重稳定性能点bistable performance point
发动机三点固定engine three point suspension
变动损益平衡点定价flexible breakeven pricing
可达稳定点accessible stationary points
后景标定点background collimating mark
四点定位法four point bearing
四点定位法bow and beam bearings
四顶点定理four-vertex theorem
定点fixing point
定点point of rigid support
定点datum point
定点fixed position
定点火灾探测fixed-point detection
定点fixed ignition
定点重力效应gravity point of attachment effect
固定于三点悬挂装置上attachment to three point linkage
固定低点fixed low point
固定十进制小数点fixed decimal point
固定参考点fixed reference point
固定参考点海拔高度elevation of per datum
固定小数点十进制常数fixed-point decimal constant
固定尺寸节点fixed-size node
固定性观测点fixed observation point
固定接点dead earth
固定支点fixed support
固定断电器接触点stationary breaker contact
固定断电器触点stationary breaker contact
固定断裂点fixed breakage point
固定水准基点unchanging benchmark
固定水准基点fixed benchmark
固定水准点permanent bench mark
固定水准点塔系统fixed tower system
固定测站点regular survey station point
固定终点时间fixed terminal time
固定触点stationary breaker contact
固定触点stationary contact point
固定触点部件stationary contact member
测流断面的固定起点线pivot-point line
固定辐射点stationary radiant
固定零点系统fixed zero system
固定频率变点法constant frequency variable dot method
国家确定的重点领域投资investment in the key areas designated by the state
地球定点坐标系统earth-fixed coordinate system
地质点定位方法methods of geological observation point
地质点定位方法methods of geologic observation point
地质点定位误差error of geological observation point
地质点定位误差error of geologic observation point
垃圾定点收集collection of refuse at gathered places
基点定价basing-point pricing
多普勒单点定位Doppler single-point positioning
多测点二氧化碳测定仪multipoint CO₂ meter
多点照相钻孔定位仪multiple photograph orientation instrument
大地基准单点定位single astronomic station datum orientation
天文定点astronomic fixation network
天文定点astronomical fixation network
天文定点astrofixation network
locating point
fixed point
定中心点centre mark
定中心点prick punch mark
定中心点center mark
定位normal contact
定位动作接点normal operating contact
定位点fix point
定位焊点tack weld
定位触点set feeler
定压点pressurization point
定压点constant pressure point
定向点orientational point
定向近井点near shaft point for orientation
定影斑点hypo stain
定时点火ignition timing
定期盘点periodic review
定期盘点periodical review
定期盘点periodical inventory
定期盘点periodic inventory
定标点scaling point
定泊点anchor station
定点fixing point
定点fixed decimal
定点二进制fixed-point binary
定点二进制fixed binary
定点二进制常数fixed-point binary constant
定点仿真fixed-point simulation
定点作业stationary operation
定点供应direct supply at fixed location
定点修理制spot system
定点停车stopping at a target point
定点停车programmed stop
定点分层观测serial observation
定点制数表示法fixed-point representation of a number
定点制格式fixed-pointer format
定点勘测point reconnaissance
定点压强local pressure
定点双字长运算fixed-point double word-length arithmetic
定点water sampling at constant position
定点取样static sampling
定点取样fixed-point sampling
定点处理placement treatment
定点定线列车shuttle train
定点展开扇形搜索geographical sector search
定点展开扇形搜索geographic sector search
定点展开方形搜索geographic square search
定点展开方形搜索geographical square search
定点展开方形搜索fixed square search
定点抽查spot testing
定点抽查spot test
定点摄影spot photography
定点播种装置seed placing device
定点操作fixed-point operation
定点数学fixed-point mathematics
定点数据传输线point-to-point data link
定点数据转换integer conversion
定点施用spot application
定点施药herbicide placement
定点日期date of locating point
定点标度set-point scale
定点格式constant point format
定点method of fixed points
定点selecting point method
定点fixed point method
定点method of plotting position
定点fixed-point method
定点波长计one-point wavemeter
定点测流anchored position observation of current
定点测量spotted survey
定点浮点转换fixed to floating point conversion
定点海上观测站fixed oceanographical station
定点海上观测站fixed oceanographic station
定点溢出fixed overflow
定点系统fixed-point system
定点缓冲剂fixed-point buffer
定点表示制fixed-point representation system
定点表示法fixed-point notation
定点表达形式fixed-point representation
定点观测ocean weather station observation
定点观测fixed-point observation
定点观测站serial station
定点观测站hydrographical station
定点观测站hydrographic station
定点资料point data
定点运算fixed-point mathematics
定点运算fixed-point calculation
定点连续series observation in place
定点连续观测series observation at fixed point
定点透视station-point perspective
定点spot wind
定点验潮站fixed-point tidal station
定焦点透镜fixed-focus lens
定界点peg point
定长节点fixed-size node
对支点反力超静定statically indeterminate with respect to reactions
对支点反力超静定结构statically indeterminate structure with respect to reactions
对支点反力静定结构statically determinate structure with respect to reactions
封闭式闪点测定器close flash point tester
小数定点fractional fixed point
小数点自动定位计算机automatic decimal point computer
平衡点测定器null instrument
库存高低点定量控制制度order-point control
库存高低点定量控制系统max-min system
定点point of certainty
悬架固定点suspension attachment points
成矿溶液冰点的测定determination of minerogenetic solution ice point
我能把这样一个弹簧拉伸到临界点,这样它就不再遵循胡克定律I can take a spring like this one and stretch it to the point that it no longer behaves like Hooke's Law
扇形速度点相对于给定中心的速度sector velocity
拉杆固定点draught link anchorage
指定终点站selection terminal
指定边境地点交货delivery at frontier (价)
按控制点定位setting on points of control
控制点测定determination of control point
控制点自动标定automatic point marking
控制点装定control point set
控制点重新定位relocation of control station
控制点重新定位relocation of control point
散点交会定位法location by forward intersection
最小定点least fixed-point
定点unfixed point
极性定位接点normal polar contact
定点fixed point
定点gage point
定点proved point
定点rodded point
定点proving point
定点gauge point
定点calibrating point
定点测量control surveying
标定的面向节点的有向图labelled node oriented directed graph
标定的面向节点的有向图labeled node oriented directed graph
根据控制点定向adjust on control point
根据钢绳冲程的特点确定钻头在孔底的工作状态talk to the rope
根据钢绳冲程的特点确定钻头在孔底的工作状态talk to the line
桩定坡面点slope staking
汽缸固定点casing anchor point
沥青软化点测定仪asphalt softening point apparatus
沸点测定器boiling point apparatus
法定水准ordinance bench mark
定点spotting in
测定凝固点用温度计congelation point thermometer
测定应变时水准基点bench mark
测定终点measurement endpoint
海洋定点观测站ocean station
海洋定点观测船ocean station vessel
海洋定点观测船ocean observation vessel
滴定终点end point of titration
潮位不定点amphidromic center
灼热点温度指定器hot spot indicator
点位测定误差error in point measurement
点位稳定性检验stability test of monitoring control points and deformation point
点定焊tack welding
点定焊tack weld
点标定格网point-designation grid
点水质测定point water quality measurement
点测定方法point measuring method
点滴定性分析spot quality test
点火定额ignition rating
点状黏结固定dot and dab fixing
点群测定point symmetry group determination
点阵参数精密测定point group parameter precision determination
烧结点测定仪sinter meter
照片控制点定位法photographical control
照片控制点定位法photographic control
熔点测定melting test
熔点测定melting point test
熔点测定器melting point apparatus
燃料开杯/闭杯闪点测定open/close test of flash-point of liquids
燃点测定determination of ignition point
燃点确定flash point determination
物种描术鉴定要点diagnosis in species description
特定沸点的醇类special boiling point spirits
特定沸点酒精special boiling point spirit
环球软化点测定器ring-and-ball apparatus
球环软化点测定器ball and ring apparatus
球环软化点测定法ball-and-ring method
电导终点滴定法conductometric end-point titration
皮斯电火花闪点测定器Pease's electrical tester
皮斯电火花闪点测定器Pease's electric tester
目标定点target pinpoint
目的地买方指定地点交货价franco rendu
直接定交点定线locating by direct locating intersection point
相变点测定器critical point tester
真空控制点火定时装置vacuum operated spark control
着火点测定fire test
石蜡闪点测定仪Abel tester
石蜡闪点测定仪Abel test
确定井内被卡点locating stuck point
确定性农业非点源污染评估deterministic assessment of agricultural non-point source pollution
确定故障点localization of faults
确定站立点determination of standing point
示误三角形定点triangle-of-error method
稳定倾点stable pour-point
稳定凝固点stable pour-point
稳定固定点stable fixed point
稳定性消失点vanishing point of stability
稳定零点balanced null point
穿线轿车点定线setting-out the intersection point by alignment
精确定点摄影pinpoint photography
终点停止滴定法dead stop process
结点转动定理theorem of joint rotation
定点given point
网格定点测量法network-fixed site monitoring method
网格定点能谱测量location network spectrum survey
聚尘点空气测定法dust spot method
脂酸冻点测定titer (法)
自动点火定时器automatic spark timer
航空定点通信服务aeronautical fixed service
航空单点与差动全球空中定位导航系统air-borne single point and differential GPS navigation
节点尺寸的确定dimensioning of joints
节点尺寸的确定dimensioning of joint
规定的运行点specified operating point
规定航路点define way-point
触点判定contact sense
触点额定值contact rating
触点额定通电容量contact current-carrying rating
计算机整定点控制set point computer control
定点调节器set point adjuster
转速定点speed setpoint
转速设定点speed setpoint
软化点测定softening point measurement
软化点测定管softening point tube
辅助点定向【测】auxiliary point orientation
远距离设定点调整器remote set point unit
定点set-point value
逐点测定法point-to-point method
逐点测定法point-by-point method
部分固定的节点partially fixed joint
配电盘及故障点标定装置switch board and fault locator
重新算定的转向点recomputed point of turn
重调点火定时retime ignition
钢绳下套管定点wire-line bridge plug
定点keyed end
锁定切换触点locking transfer contact
闪点测定flashing test
闪点测定determination of flashing point
闪点测定仪flash point apparatus
闪点测定仪flashing point tester
闪点测定器flashing point tester
闪点确定flash point determination
闭杯闪点测定器closed tester
闭杯闪点测定器setaflash closed tester
闭杯闪点测定器closed cup flash tester
阿贝尔闭杯闪点测定仪Abel closed cup flash point apparatus
降落机场上的定点spot on a landing field
限定地点承兑acceptance qualified as to place
零点稳定性zero point constancy
露点测定dew point measurement
非点污染源恒定输入non-point source inputs as conservative
鞍点定理saddle-point problem
预定取样点preselected site
定点stationary point