מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא ניווט המכילים | כל הפורומים
临时准点temporary bench mark
临时导向temporary guide base
型板, 样板master template
全巴斯坦油船主协会All Pakistan Oil Tanker Owners Association
回收式导向retrievable guide base
准面chart datum
海上钻井平台垂直准装置vertical reference unit
板底部bottom of base plate
线以上横向稳心的高度transverse metacenter height above base line
底部板标高bottom base plate elevation
水上飞机seaplane base
永久导向permanent guide base
浮式供应floating supply base
海上飞机修理seaplane repair base
海军naval base
海图准面chart datum level
海岸地接收检査设备shore base acceptance checkout equipment
混凝土础垫板concrete foundation templates
生产导向production guide base
线水声定位系统short baseline system
空军air force base
立管盘管汇riser base manifold
管线立管pipeline riser bases
管道管汇连接pipeline manifold tie-in bases
底沉降速度rate of apparent basement subsidence
返回return to base
钻井drill template
铰链式水下盘技术hinge over subsea template technology
长短线long short base line
米德型自升式平台self-elevating platform of the Archimedes type
顺应式桩平台compliant piled platforms