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מונחים לפי נושא גיאולוגיה הנדסית המכילים | כל הפורומים
人力冲钻进percussion hand drilling
人力冲钻进percussion hand boring
修正的实试验modified compaction test
凿岩percussion drilling
percussive force
取芯器free-fall corer
取芯钻头percussive coring bit
回转两用钻机combination drill
回转混合钻进combination drilling
回转钻进percussive-rotary drilling
回转钻进percussion rotation drilling
回转钻进法combination system
因数impact factor
impact block
增量dynamic increment
shocking rammer
percussion head
式一字形钻头chisel bit
式凿岩机plug drill
式凿岩机shocking jack hammer
式凿岩机percussive rock drill
式压实器impact compactor
式孔壁取芯器percussion-type side-wall coring device
式岩芯钻头free-fall core cutter
式抓斗hammer grab
式潜孔钻机downhole percussive drill
式钻头free-falling bit
式钻机percussion boring rig
式钻机free-fall drill
式钻进boring by percussion
式黏土切割器percussive clay cutter
强度strength under shock
强度dynamic strength
强度指数impact strength index
打眼percussion boring
旋转式凿岩机shocking rotary jack hammer
knock wave
波持续时间duration of shock pulse
波效应effect of shock wave
活环jar coupling
疲劳破损impact fatigue
破坏impact failure
破碎值试验impact crushing value test
脉冲持续时间duration of shock pulse
荷载punch load
荷载系数impact factor
试验drop test
试验台percussion table
试验孔percussion test hole
钻井cable-tool well
钻具percussion boring tool
钻具percussion tools
钻具chuck drilling tool
钻具cable tool
钻头percussive bit
钻头jumper bit
钻头drill hammer
全面钻头button bit
钻孔percussion hole
钻孔percussion borehole
钻探percussion boring
钻机percussive drill
钻机percussion machine
钻机percussion drilling rig
钻机hammer drill
钻机chuck drill
钻杆sinker bar
钻杆percussion jumper
钻杆percussion drill stem
钻进plug drilling
钻进cable tool drilling
钻进churn drilling
钻进free-fall boring
钻进作业chuck drilling
钻进impact drilling
钻进hammer drilling
钻进cable boring
钻进岩芯percussion core
钻进装置percussion system
钻进设备percussion equipment
钻钢缆绳drilling cable
jumper bit
jar block
percussion cone
震动impact shock
发雷管percussion fuse
实仪compaction test apparatus
实仪compaction device
实功compactive effort
实曲线moisture-density curve
实曲线compaction curve
实机compaction machine
实模compaction mould
实模compaction mold
实筒compaction mould
实筒compaction mold
实能compaction energy
实锤compaction rammer
凿井冲钻机sinker drill
加重冲钻杆jar rod
动力触探锤blow of dynamic sounding
双壁冲double-wall drive pipe
反循环冲式钻进reverse-circulation percussion drilling
反循环冲钻机reverse circulation percussion rig
回转冲钻探rotary percussion drilling
回转冲钻机rotary percussion boring rig
回转冲锤钻进rotor hammer boring
地震冲seismic shock
machine rammer
tamping roller
容许冲荷载impact-allowance load
对开管锤取土器split-tube drive sampler
小冲small shock
试件制备dry tamping
快速冲钻进rapid blow drilling
手提式夯压实机portable impact compactor
次数number of strokes
drive point
打捞振fishing jar
振动冲vibratory impulse
振动冲钻孔机vibrating impacting boring machine
振动锤实试验vibrating hammer compaction test
敞开入式取样器open drive sampler
tapping method
斜肩冲钻头Californian bit
旋转冲钻探rotary percussion boring
易受地震prone area
机械冲mechanical impact screen
机械冲钻进percussive machine drilling
标准standard compaction
标准实试验standard compaction test
标准葡式实试验standard Proctor’s compaction test
标准贯入锤SPT blow count
标准贯入锤blow count of SPT
标贯SPT blow count
每英尺深锤blows foot
水冲锤混合打桩combined flushing and ramming
水力冲钻探法hydraulic percussion method
液压冲pressure surge
湿法冲钻进wet percussion drilling
湿法回转冲钻进wet rotary percussion drilling
潜孔回转冲钻机downhole rotary percussion drill
爆炸冲explosion wave
爪形冲cross chipper hammer
羊脚夯sheep-foot tamper
美国州际公路工作者协会实试验AASHO density tests
自动实机automatic compaction machine
落锤冲触探仪drop-impact penetrometer
落锤式冲drop chisel
贯入试验锤blow of penetration test
超重冲extra heavy drive pipe
车载冲钻机truck-mounted percussion drill rig
轻锤实试验standard Proctor’s compaction test
钢丝绳冲钻探yo-yo drilling
钢丝绳冲钻探cable percussion boring
钢丝绳冲钻进法cable system
钢绳冲式钻机cable drill
钢绳冲式钻机cable-tool boring rig
钢绳冲式钻机cable and tool rig
钢绳冲cable tool drill
钢绳冲钻具cable tool
钢绳冲钻具cable drilling tool
钢绳冲钻头cable-tool bit
钢绳冲钻机spud drill
钢绳冲钻机churn type percussion drill
钢绳冲钻机装置cable-tool drilling unit
钢绳冲钻进cable tool drilling
钢绳冲钻进jump drilling
钢绳冲钻进kicking down
钢绳冲钻进rope boring
钢绳冲钻进spud drilling
钢绳冲钻进cable drilling
钢绳冲钻进压入式双层岩芯管cable-tool core barrel
钢绳冲钻进岩芯cable-tool core
钢绳冲钻进方法系统cable-tool drilling system
钢绳冲钻进方法cable drilling system
钢绳冲钻进设备和工具cable-tool drilling outfit
钻杆冲钻机pole drill
钻杆冲钻进工具pole tool
钻杆冲钻进法pole tool method
钻进振drilling jars
hammer-blow tamper
blow count
沉桩法pile driving by hammer
触探方法ram sounding method
钻进hammer drilling
震波测试hammer seismic survey
风动冲钻进air percussion drilling
骨料集料抗冲aggregate impact value