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מונחים לפי נושא גיאופיזיקה המכילים | כל הפורומים
三轴井地震仪triaxial borehole seismic tool
一代雷达next generation radars
一代雷达信息发布服务处next generation radars Information Dissemination Service
一代雷达信息发布服务处NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service
一代雷达信息显示服务处next generation radars Information Display Service
一代雷达信息显示服务处NEXRAD Information Display Service
井仪月检tool review and inspection monthly
井仪模块tool module
井仪测井状态tool logging state
井仪电源tool power unit
仪器井完毕finish going in hole
发射器lower transmitter
取样室lower sampling chamber
探测器原始衰减值raw lower attenuation
探测能窗钾峰值输出potassium peak lower window output
窗口宽度lower window width
行波传播速度downgoing travelling velocity
探测衰减lower attenuation
边带lower side band
部发射器lower transmitter
部接收器low receiver
能窗输出镅峰值americium peak lower (window output)
垂直降速率rate of descent
传感器数据采样率downhole sensor sampling rate
传感器内径图像处理系统图像资料数字化系统inner diameter of downhole sensor
传感器内径图像处理系统图像资料数字化系统ID of downhole sensor
传感器处理选择downhole sensor processing selection
传感器电源downhole sensor source
传感器组件装置downhole sensor package
传感器采样读数速率sample rate downhole sensor
传感系统downhole sensing system
CGG,法国地理物理总公司地球物理部Borehole Geophysical Div.
地震仪well seismic tool
地震测量well seismic survey
地震阵列测井downhole seismic array (log)
地震震源downhole seismic source
增益downhole gain
增益升高downhole gain boost
声波一伽马测井borehole sonic/gamma ray log
声波反射测量borehole acoustic reflection survey
总流量total flowrate downhole
振动监控器downhole vibration monitor
数字计算机digital downhole computer
最大增益downhole gain maximum
校正downhole correction
检波器类型downhole geophone type
波形增益downhole gain for waveform
照相记录borehole camera
状态字downhole status word
电子存储器downhole electronic memory
自动增益控制的电平downhole level (for AGC)
电法成像electrical borehole images
电源供电downhole power supply
电视downhole video
电视downhole television
电视borehole televiewer
电视机borehole televiewer tool
电视装置downhole video service
视频系统downhole video system
遥测总线downhole telemetry bus
遥测系统downhole telemetry system
采集与遥测电子模块borehole acquisition and telemetry electronics modules
重力borehole gravity
重力仪borehole gravimeter
重力密度测井borehole gravity density (log)
重力梯度测量仪borehole gravity gradiometer
重力测量borehole gravimeter survey
重力计downhole gravitymeter
随钻测井downhole logging while drilling
随钻测量方式downhole measurement made while drilling
高压快环路downhole high voltage fast loop
井底温度的电阻率resistivity at bottom hole temperature
井底温度的钻井液电阻率mud resistivity at borehole temperature
井底温度的钻井液电阻率mud resistivity at BITT
储层条件的电阻率指数测量resistivity-index measurement at reservoir condition
全井眼流量计井仪探头full-bore flowmeter sonde
反射行横波波至reflected downgoing shear wave arrivals
象限right lower quadrant
延拓downward continuation
固态集成电路压力温度资料处理器solid state downhole processor
域电磁法underground time-domain electromagnetics
界面雷达subsurface interface radar
综合解释系统subsurface int 厲rated interpretation system
脉冲成像雷达subsurface impulse imaging radar
地震水探测器seismic underwater explorer
声波测井井仪器芯子电子线路短节sonic logging cartridge
孔隙度限值porosity lower limit
平均海平面以below mean sea level
恶劣环境双侧向测井仪hostile dual lateralog tool
恶劣环境双感应测井hostile dual induction log
恶劣环境双源距中子测井hostile dual spaced neutron
恶劣环境声波全波测井hostile full wave sonic
恶劣环境浅侧向测井hostile-environment laterolog shallow
恶劣环境测井hostile environment logging
恶劣环境深侧向测井hostile-environment laterolog deep
数字声波井电子线路仪芯子sonic digital cartridge
束缚水总体积限值cut-off bulk volume of irreducible (water)
检测限以below detection limit
声波测距系统acoustic underwater range determination system
声源underwater sound source
电视探测submersible television surveys
跟踪设备underwater tracking equipment
logging below pump
流量计flowmeter down
深水水核辐射计数器deep underwater nuclear counter
用右移消除行波型removal of down-going wave mode by right shifting
用左移消除行波型removal of down-going wave mode by left shifting
石英 晶体压力计井仪quartz pressure gauge tool
矿物探测密度density lower limit for mineral (detection)
第一个井基准面时间time of first downhole datum
而上射孔爆破uphole shooting
自然电位一个值spontaneous potential next value
自然电位一个值SP next value
钻后测井logging after trip
过油管压力计thru-tubing gauge run
重复式地层测试器井工具repeat formation tester cartridge
重复式地层测试器井工具RFT cartridge
长源距高电压井电缆通信系统long spacing high voltage cable communication system downhole
长源距高电压井电缆通信系统long spacing high voltage CCS downhole