מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא כללי המכילים serve interests | כל הפורומים | לפי סדר מוגדר בלבד
it serves their interests to have stability in the areaдостижение стабильности в этом районе вполне отвечает их интересам
serve best interests ofиграть на стороне (кого-либо; напр., о рекрутере и соискателе вакансии sankozh)
serve best interests ofвыступать на стороне (кого-либо; контекстуально sankozh)
serve global interestsпослужить интересам всего мира (A.Rezvov)
serve global interestsслужить интересам всего мира (A.Rezvov)
serve one's interestsотвечать интересам
serve smb.'s interestsслужить чьим-л. интересам (smb.'s needs, smb.'s private ends, one's purpose, etc., и т.д.)
serve one's interestsприносить пользу
serve interestsпреследовать интересы (Buy Does foreign aid serve U.S. interests? Not at the United Nations (FYI) by Bryan T Johnson (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible ... Alexander Demidov)
serve interestsсоблюдать интересы (Alexander Demidov)
serve interestsслужить чьим-либо интересам
serve the interestsработать в интересах (Most of their policies simply serve the interests of big businesses. OALD. Managers should serve the interests of companies, not shareholders. The bottom line is that the directors of investment companies are there to serve the interests of the owners of the business. – A company should serve the interests of constituencies who have the most stakes in the well-being of their business. Alexander Demidov)
serve the interestsдействовать в чьих-либо интересах (Sign of the crimes: Do magistrates serve the interests of justice and the ... Outline and assess the view that the law operates to serve the interests of the ruling class. Petition Suspend and Revoke British Passports of Nationals who serve the Interests of Terrorists Organisations abroad. Is the rail ticket market innovative and competitive enough to serve the interests of passengers? Alexander Demidov)
serve the interestsв интересах (Most of their economic policies are designed the serve the interests of big business. OALD. The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people. CCALD. the union came into existence to serve the interests of musicians. OAD Alexander Demidov)
serve the interests ofдействовать в интересах (Something that serves someone's interests benefits them. * [V n] The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people. CCALD. the union came into existence to serve the interests of musicians. NODE. Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business. OALD. Tax cuts serve everyone's interests. KAED. They voted for a chairman who might better serve their interests. MED. He argued that government too often serves the interests of big business. [=does things to help big business instead of ordinary people]. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
serve the interests ofпреследовать интересы (Managers should serve the interests of companies, not shareholders. Gary Hamel's vision for business is based on trust, honesty, excitement ... TG Alexander Demidov)