מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא ניירות ערך המכילים notice | כל הפורומים | בדיוק
advanced document revision notice资料修改的预告
advanced document revision notice资料修改预告
allotment notice派股通知书
allotment notice配股通知
allotment notice分配通知书
assignment notice转让通知
bankruptcy notice破产通告
bankruptcy notice破产通知书
criticism notices通报批评交易所
default notice违约通知
dispensing notice豁免通知
dissent notice异议通知
distringas notice暂扣通知
exercise notice履约通知
exercise notice执行通知
expiration notice满期通知
give notice发通知
hold notice持有通知
initial substantial shareholder notice首次大股东权益披露通知
interpretation of the notice resides in the Exchange本通知由本交易所负责解释
last notice day最后交付通知日
lot-winning notice中签通知股票上市抽签认购
margin notice保证金催缴通知
money at call and short notice应召即还的短期贷款
money at call and short notice短期通知放款
note maturity notice借贷到期通知
note notice借贷的到期通知书
notice account通知账户
notice day通知交货日
notice inviting claims要求提出索赔的公告
notice of abandonment委付通知书
notice of abandonment委弃通知书
notice of adjudication of proof of debt债权裁定通告
notice of assignment转让通知书
notice of demand付款通知书
notice of deposit存放抵押品通知书
notice of determination决定通知
notice of exercise行权通知
notice of exercise执行通知
notice of expiration期满通知书
notice of intended dividend宣布股利的预告
notice of intended dividend将要宣布股利的通知
notice of intention to deliver交割预告
notice of intention to deliver有意交割通知
notice of register注册登记通知
notice of resolution决议通知
notice of sale公司 出售通知 (of company)
notice of second charge第二债权抵押通知
notice of seizure扣押通知
notice of transfer过户通知书
notice of withdrawal提取通知
notice ofa call催交股款通知书
notice ofa call催款通知
Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listings in Overseas Markets State Council境外发行股票和上市管理通知国务院
notice price通知价格
notice to resume trading恢复交易通知
notice to resume trading复样通知
notice to suspend payment停止支付通知
notice to take delivery提款通知书
official notice of sale国债正式发售公告
payment notice交款通知
priority notice预先权通知
protest notice拒付通知
public notice for assertion of claims催示公告
redemption notice赎回公告
renewal notice延期通知
securities recognition of stock market notice证券市场确认公告
sell-out notice售出清理通知
stop-payment notice止付通知书
submittal notice财产出售通知
submittal notice处置通知
vary a restriction notice修改限制通知书
withdraw a restriction notice撤销限制通知书
without previous notice无预先通知