מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

מונחים לפי נושא חַקלָאוּת המכילים North | כל הפורומים | בדיוק
drought in the north北方干旱
drought in the north北旱
earthing up on the north side of row行阴面培土
earthing up on the north side of row行北面培土
east by north东偏北 (E by N)
magnetic north磁匕
North America北美
North American blastomycosis北美皮炎芽生菌病
North Argentine北阿根廷
North Argentine阿根廷北部
North Australia北澳大利亚
north by eastN by E北偏东
north by westN by W北偏西
North Carolina pitch pine美国长叶松
North China pucras pheasant松勺鸡
north northeastNNE北东北
north northwestNNW北西北
North Pacific Current北太平洋暖流
north-south direction南北向
north spring北方春麦 (wheat)
north western red cedar美国西部侧柏
south-north oriented house南北向畜舍
south-to-north water transfer project南水北调工程项目
west north west西西北