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מונחים בנושא כספים (38389 статей)
"grünes" Beschaffungswesen green procurement
"harter Ecu" hard ecu
"Härtung" der Geldpolitik/des geldpolitischen Kurses tightening of monetary policy
"Hedge-slippage" hedge slippage
"hub-and spokes"-Modell hub-and-spokes model
"hybride" Waren "hybrid" products
"Ins" euro-area countries
"Ins" "ins"
"Investment Grade" investment grade
"Klimaschutz"-Komponente climate change "window"
"krummer" Posten odd lot
"Last in-First out"-Verfahren last in, first out
"Last in-First out"-Verfahren last in, first out method
"lex obligationis" lex obligationis
"lokale Euro-Beobachtungsstelle" für den Übergang zum Euro local observatory to monitor the changeover to the euro
"market-if-touched"-Auftrag market-if-touched
"Matador"-Papier matador bond
"Mezzanine"-Finanzierungen mezzanine capital
"Mezzanine"-Fonds mezzanine capital
"nationale" Euro-Zinssätze national euro rates