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מונחים בנושא צלילה (1011 статья)
accessory diving equipment 附属潜水设备
acrobatic dive 特技跳水
adjustable fulcrum 可调支点的活动装置
adjustable fulcrum
adjustment of balance 调整平衡
adjustment of nut 调整螺帽
air donor
air embolus 气体栓塞
air starvation 空气缺乏
alternobaric vertigo 变压性眩晕
aluminum board 铝制跳水板
aluminum board 铝制跳板
aluminum extrusion 铝制挤压板
amount of spin 转动量
angle of leg thrust 蹬腿角度
angle of leg thrust
angle of take-off 起跳角度
announce the mark 宣布给分
any position 自由式
approach 跑台