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מונחים בנושא מֵטַלוּרגִיָה (191005 статей)
《Christmas candy》shape 焊管坯作蛇形直立放置
"Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble. 罗布尔说:"1982年在我们生产钢梁之前,进口量约占市场的41%"
"British meson" π 介子
"Christmas" candy
"DYNAFLEX" hydraulic oscillator "DYNAFLEX" 液压振动装置
"extra" slag removal "额外"除渣
"hot" material 强放射性物质〔材料〕
"ironed-in" tuyere 灌铁风口
"NOR" logic "或非"逻辑
"Not" circuit "非"门电路
"nul" point 零位
"nut" sinter 胡桃块烧结矿
"OR" logic "或"逻辑
"ore with caution" range "小心加矿石"温度范围
"ore with caution" range 容许添加少量矿石的温度范围
"pea" sinter 豌豆粒烧结矿
"pest" degradation "疫病"降解
"self.feeding" crust "自给式"结壳
"semicontinuous" continuous casting practice "半连续式"连铸法
"solid gas" "固态"除气剂