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מונחים בנושא נַוָטִי (327 статей)
candle-hour c-hr
combat information center cic center
condition of class Conditions of Class mean requirements to the effect that specific measures, repairs, surveys etc. are to be carried out within a specific time limit in order to retain Classification PX_Ran­ger
coral headland co hd
Corps of Engineers C of E
course per standard compass cpsc
course per steering compass cp stg c
dd dry dock
deckie deckhand вк
deckie deckhand вк
Deep Ocean Transponder DOT
Deep Submergence Vehicle DSV
dib dab boatswain's mate Tiny T­ony
discolored discol
discontinued discon
DoC Document of Compliance ла гат­а
DP system Dynamic Positioning System 'More
DSC alert Didital Selective Calling alert 'More
DSC alert Didital Selective Call alert 'More
east by north EbN Michae­lBurov