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gen. turn on; aglow; alight
ambient. firing out
metal. light off; light-up
micr. powered on
tec. ignition starting; lighting
tracc. triggering
| en
comp. at
| el
gen. he
| motor
patent. engines
CFR | con
gen. with
| índice
gen. index
| de
gen. out of
compresión | variable
fin. variable
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

sustantivo | verbo | adjetivo | a las frases
encendido n
gen. turn on
ambient. firing out
metal. light off; light-up
micr. powered on (Pertaining to the application of electrical power to a computer through use of the physical power switch)
tec. ignition starting; lighting
tracc. triggering
transp. ignition system
encender v
gen. kindle; light; to put light on; to switch on; turn on 128 ; provoke 128
carb. firing
carb., quím. to ignite; to inflame
ecol. ignite; set fire
tec. energize
encendido adj.
gen. aglow; alight; flaming; lighted; on; ignition
carb. lighting of fuse
electr. firing
encendido en: 11 a las frases, 5 temas
Ingeniería mecánica2