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gen. campaign
gen. bell
carb. subsidence
pasat. transp. canopy
transp. parachute canopy
transp. constr. diving bell; mobile caisson; cover
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fin. applicant
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a las frases
campana f
gen. bell
agric. still safe; try box
automóv. bellhousing
carb. subsidence; bell hole; caldron bottom; cavity,conical; kettle bottom
cienc. flare; stem-tube
ingen. bell chuck
pasat., transp. canopy
quím., electr. inner lift
tec. hood
transp. parachute canopy
transp., constr. diving bell; mobile caisson; cover; dome; valve body
campaña f
agric. season
agric., pisc. marketing year
fond. crop year
industr., constr., metal. campaign; life of a furnace; working life of a furnace
micr. campaign (A marketing program designed to accomplish a specific result, such as introducing a new product or increasing market share. The main way to accomplish this result is through communicating the benefits of a product or service to people and businesses. Campaigns often include more than one communication method, such as print advertisements, promotional discounts, and direct mail)
pisc. trip
campańa f
gen. campaign
campanas f
industr. bells
campana aspirante para: 2 a las frases, 1 temas