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fin. jur. prod. Area
calz. point
cienc. agric. area
constr. site
cuid. zona
ecol. belt ■
IT field; category
med. region
micr. zone
| de Viaje
 de viaje
gen. traveling
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cuid. regular
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a las frases
zona f
banc. zone
calz. point
cienc., agric. area
constr. site
cuid. zona
ecol. belt ■
embal. allowable limits; range of tolerance
físic. zoning
IT field; category
med. region (regio); herpes zoster; zona serpiginosa; shingles; zoster; acute posterior ganglionitis
meteorol. pool
micr. zone (A physical or logical division within a warehouse, defined for efficient resource utilization. A zone might be identified by type of materials stored, by type of equipment used, or by assigned picker)
sind., metal. working area
tec. belt
Zona f
fin., jur., prod. Area
Zona de Viaje: 1 a las frases, 1 temas