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gen. Confederation
jur. the Union
gen. union
gen. coalescence; coalition; joining; linkage; mating
industr. constr. bonding
| Internacional
patent. intergovernmental
| de
gen. out of
| Ciencia
polít. science
| y
gen. and
| Tecnología
econ. technology
| de
gen. out of
| la
pisc. poke line
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

sustantivo | adjetivo | a las frases
unión f
gen. coalescence; coalition; joining; linkage; mating; coupling; link key
cienc., electr. binding; cable binding
electr. junction; termination; boundary
industr., constr. bonding
ingen. fish plate
IT union
IT, cienc., electr. join
mecán. assemblage
med. accretion; association
metal. bond
micr. junction (A runbook activity that synchronizes multiple branches of a runbook); bundling (The combing of files (typically JavaScript, CSS) into one file to reduce the number of HTTP requests for resources); Junction (In Process Engineering, the shape used to connect pipelines when one pipeline is split by another pipeline. The default junction shape is Junction. However, you can specify any shape on the document stencil as a junction)
patent. society
quím. connection; connexion; joint
tec. faying; jointing; link; seam
transp., fuerz., ingen. hitch
uniones f
automóv. fitting
constr. joints
IT, ingen. connections
Unión f
gen. Confederation; Union
laUnión f
jur. the Union
union f
gen. union
unión adj.
automóv. joint (weld, soldadura)
embal. manufacturer’s joint; seam (de soldadura); weld (de soldadura); joint (de soldadura); riveted seam; riveted joint; row of rivets; welding seam; welded joint; weld line; strapping; overlapping
quím. bond (Adhesion between a coating and the surface to which it is applied)
Unión Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la: 2 a las frases, 2 temas
Ciencias naturales1