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gen. bill; invoice
cienc. tec. count
econ. account
IT proc. bead
micr. mexic. account
cont. accounts
econ. cont. financial statements
fin. balance sheet captions
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mat. to
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gen. he
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cienc. agric. evolution
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a las frases
cuenta f
gen. bill; invoice
automóv. statement (monthly bill, factura mensual)
cienc., tec. count
econ. account
fond. account (SCN93)
IT, proc. bead
micr., mexic. account (A set of attributes that define a user's access to a given service or application)
silvicult. tally
cuentas f
cont. accounts
econ., cont. financial statements
fin. balance sheet captions
fin., econ., cont. accounting system; system of accounts
textil calculation; estimate
Cuenta para el: 10 a las frases, 4 temas
Naciones unidas1
Nombre de la organización1