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фонд коллективного инвестированияacentos
gen. collective investment vehicle (A collective investment vehicle (CIV) is any entity that allows investors to pool their money and invest the pooled funds, instead of buying securities directly as individuals. nseindia.com Alexander Demidov); collective investment fund (A collective investment fund (CIF), also known as a collective investment trust, is operated by a bank or trust company and handles a group of pooled trust accounts. Collective investment funds groups assets from individuals and organizations to develop a larger, diversified portfolio. There are two types of funds: A1 funds are grouped assets contributed for the purpose of investment or reinvestment, and A2 funds are grouped assets contributed by trusts exempt from federal income tax. investopedia.com Alexander Demidov); investment pool (Terminology varies with country but investment funds are often referred to as investment pools, collective investment vehicles, collective investment schemes, managed funds, or simply funds. WK Alexander Demidov)
banc. mutual fund; investment fund; private equity plan (PEP)