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gen. arrange; fix; ease; perch; snuggle; set up house

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устроить vacentos
организовать; уладить; подойти; устроить беспорядок; устроить вечеринку
gen. install; make up; put right; clean up; set out; arrange; appoint; do; institute; negotiate; sponsor; fix up; get in; organise (British English Andrew Goff); rearrange; fix up for the night; accommodate; build; get; give; hold (мероприятие); provide; slot; stage; throw (a party – вечеринку); get up (в смысле "организовать"; Jenny has made up her mind to get up a quiz for her class after the lessons. – Дженни решила устроить викторину для своего класса после уроков. TarasZ); establish (к месту); place (к месту); settle; suit; put up (in lodgings); construct; secure; hook it up (sea holly); make it happen (sea holly); work (Anytime after 1400 will work for me. • Yes, that date works for me just fine. 4uzhoj); square away (Taras)
Gruzovik make arrangements for
amer. swing (что-либо) разг.)
antic. stablish (к месту)
antic., mil. dispose; set out (troops)
austral., jerg. tee up (в знач. "организовать", "уладить": He says he can arrange this real easy and he'll tee it all up this evening.)
dep. organise
dipl. hold
Gruzovik, antic. dispose troops (pf of устраивать); set out troops (pf of устраивать); arrange troops (pf of устраивать)
Gruzovik, inf. cause (pf of устраивать); create (pf of устраивать)
inf. fix (договориться, используя связи: Sonny is going to fix it so that the guys on the Lao side of the border crossing ain't going to ask any questions and they are just going to wave our jeeps through the check-points. 4uzhoj); lay on (вечеринку и т. п.); cause; create (a scene, scandal, etc.); engineer
inf., amer. come (что-либо)
jerg. put up (This man put up the money to build this studio. == Этот человек раздобыл деньги, чтобы построить студию.)
makár. lay on; lay upon; make arrangements (for); settle down
makár., inf. line up
maner. organize (MichaelBurov)
mat. make; perform; carry out
medios. stage (bellb1rd)
práct. put in order
устроить He set his son up with a job at his company. v
gen. set up (VLZ_58)
устроиться v
gen. arrange; fix; ease; perch; snuggle; set up house; get it made (в жизни Alex Lilo); seat; ensconce; install oneself (e.g., The group installed themselves at the corner table Рина Грант); accommodate; build; come right; find a place; fix up; get; get a job; get settled (in a house or apartment); make oneself comfortable; organize; put in order; put up; suit; ensconce oneself (Ремедиос_П); cose; settle; work out (Hopefully, it'll all work out for you. – Надеюсь, у вас всё устроится. ART Vancouver); construct; establish oneself; place; settle down (in a comfortable place); settle into (as we settled into the car – мы устроились в машине grigoriy_m); settle in (Tanya Gesse); make it (Tanya Gesse); settle down (with – c: There's nothing more satisfying than settling down with a good book and a cup of hot Lipton tea at the end of a long day. ART Vancouver); get situated (в номере Logofreak); set up shop (There are a few regulars who come in nearly every afternoon and set up shop at the bar until closing time. PanKotskiy); gain footing; work out; get along; sit down
Gruzovik come right; work out
antic., mil. dispose; set out (troops)
fig. pan out; hunker (Vadim Rouminsky); nest (A nomad from birth who bounced from coast to coast and from foster home to apartment to hotel, Marilyn Monroe at age 35 finally found in Brentwood a place where she could cozily nest after three failed marriages. The Latin inscription on tiles embedded in the front stoop served notice that Monroe felt she had succeeded in her quest for a safe haven: “Cursum Perficio,” or “I have completed my journey.” -- смогла уютно устроиться (latimes.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. manage (pf of устраиваться); make out (pf of устраиваться); get by (pf of устраиваться)
idiom. settle into a groove (VLZ_58); set up home (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
inf. cause; create; get by; make; make out; manage; park
makár. install oneself; fix oneself; fix oneself (где-либо)
pisc. get settled (dimock); establish oneself (dimock); make oneself comfortable (dimock); find a place (dimock)
устроит v
gen. would be just as good (While I'd prefer to sit by the window, an aisle seat would be just as good. – меня тоже устроит ART Vancouver)
устроить такое v
desaprob. pull a trick (Mr Klokus asked if Dr Nolan was sure humans possessed “literal physical material to evaluate, to analyse”. “Yes, 100 per cent,” he said. “It’s there. I was working with a group about seven or eight years ago and I literally got within a few weeks of gaining access to one of the objects. And when the people who didn’t want us to gain access to it found out about it they pulled some bureaucratic administrative tricks and snatched it away.” com.au ART Vancouver)
устроит v
jerg. is cool (о сдаче: $81.05. Two 50s are tendered. "Ten back's cool." – Десятка меня устроит. ART Vancouver)
устроить: 1154 a las frases, 52 temas
Americano uso2
Anticuado u obsoleto1
Australiano sólo uso3
Británico uso, no ortografía5
Cliché / convención1
Cumplimiento de la ley1
De tío1
Derecho laboral1
Escocés uso1
Inmigración y ciudadanía1
Jerga militar1
Manera de hablar3
Petróleo y gas3
Recursos humanos5
Significado contextual1
Sistemas de seguridad1
Término militar14