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IT file server; back end; engine; server system
 сервер AFP
IT AFP server
 сервер DNS
IT domain name server
IT server OLE; OLE server
IT sql-server
IT Web site
| оплаты услуг
 оплата услуг
petról. service charge
- se han encontrado palabras individuales (hay algunos valores en el tesauro que no tienen traducción en el diccionario)

sustantivo | sustantivo | a las frases
сервер sacentos
comp. server machine; server computer (ssn)
Gruzovik, comp. box
IT file server (сети); back end; engine; server system; supplier (класс, предоставляющий другому классу (client) методы на основе спецификации (contract) своего интерфейса Andrey Truhachev); server (При организации динамического обмена данными прикладная программа, выступающая как источник данных)
micr. host (task host – сервер задач Alex_Odeychuk)
progr. backend (генерации кода ssn)
publ. web-site
red d. hosting (Alex_Odeychuk); host (be deployed into a host – быть развернутым на сервере Alex_Odeychuk)
DNS-сервер s
educ. name server (inn)
micr. DNS name server (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries. Rori); DNS name server (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries); DNS server (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries)
FTP-сервер s
micr. FTP location (Andy)
telecom. FTP server (oleg.vigodsky)
blade-сервер s
gen. server blade (Alexander Demidov)
comp. blade server (Ильдар)
proxy-сервер s
IT proxy server
сервер DNS s
IT domain name server (unact.ru Bricker); DNS server
сервер Syslog s
IT log server (Alex Lilo); Syslog server (Alex Lilo)
proxy-сервер s
IT proxy
DHCP-сервер s
micr. DHCP server (A computer running the Microsoft DHCP service that offers dynamic configuration of IP addresses and related information to DHCP-enabled clients)
red d. DHCP server
Unix-сервер s
red d. Unix-server
сервер Syslog s
telecom. system log server (oleg.vigodsky)
DCOM-сервер s
telecom. DCOM-based server (oleg.vigodsky); DCOM server (oleg.vigodsky)
DHCP-сервер s
telecom. DHCP server ne (oleg.vigodsky)
PC-сервер s
telecom. server PC (oleg.vigodsky); server-PC (oleg.vigodsky)
Unix-сервер s
telecom. Unix server (oleg.vigodsky)
MetaFrame-сервер s
telecom. MetaFrame server (oleg.vigodsky); meta frame server (oleg.vigodsky)
web-сервер s
gen. web server (Alexander Demidov)
NNTP-сервер s
electr. NNTP server
RPC-сервер s
electr. RPC server
сервер FTP s
Gruzovik, IT FTP server
сервер SMTP s
Gruzovik, IT SMTP server
Web-сервер s
IT Web site
OLE-сервер s
IT server OLE; OLE server
SQL-сервер s
IT sql-server
сервер Web s
IT Web site
Syslog-сервер s
IT log server (Alex Lilo)
ATL-сервер s
micr. Active Template Library server (A server that houses an Active Template Library)
сервер Virtual Machine Manager s
micr. Virtual Machine Manager server (A physical computer running Virtual Machine Manager)
сервер Management s
micr. management server (The communication layer between the Runbook Designer and the deployment manager to the database)
NFS-сервер s
micr. NFS server (A computer providing Network File System (NFS) disk resources to NFS clients)
сервер Exchange Server s
micr. Exchange server (A server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
HTTP-сервер s
micr. HTTP server (A server computer that hosts Web pages and responds to requests from browsers)
ILS-сервер s
micr. ILS server (A computer that lists the names and e-mail addresses of people who are running NetMeeting and who are logged on to the server. This information is used to connect to their computers); Internet Locator Service server (A computer that lists the names and e-mail addresses of people who are running NetMeeting and who are logged on to the server. This information is used to connect to their computers)
сервер Multi-Factor Authentication s
micr. Multi-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
SMP-сервер s
micr. SMP server (A computer that is designed with the SMP architecture to improve its performance as a server in client/ server applications)
сервер Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication s
micr. Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
OPC-сервер s
progr. OPC server (ssn)
RPC-сервер s
progr. remote procedure call server (ssn)
сервер DHCP s
progr. DHCP server (ssn)
NFS-сервер s
red d. NFS-server
SQL-сервер s
red d. SQL server
Web-сервер s
red d. Web server
сервер WAIS s
red d. Wide-Area Information Server
SMP-сервер s
red d. SMP server
сервера s
red d. host (в родит. падеже на русс. яз. Alex_Odeychuk)
Workplace-сервер s
savia. workplace server
ITS-сервер s
tecn. ITS; Internet Transaction Server
сервер SAP OLE Link s
tecn. OLE Link Server; SAP OLE Link Server
HTTP-сервер s
tecn. HTTP server
IIS-сервер s
telecom. IIS server
Syslog-сервер s
telecom. system log server (oleg.vigodsky)
install-сервер s
telecom. install server (oleg.vigodsky)
сервер gRPC s
telecom. gRPC server (Alex_Odeychuk)
AAA-сервер s
telecom. AAA server
Admin-сервер s
telecom. Admin server (oleg.vigodsky)
Archiv-сервер s
telecom. Archiv server (oleg.vigodsky)
AUP-сервер s
telecom. AUP server (oleg.vigodsky)
BOOTP-сервер s
telecom. BOOTP server (oleg.vigodsky)
CDM-сервер s
telecom. CDM server (oleg.vigodsky)
CIT-сервер s
telecom. CIT server (oleg.vigodsky)
CME-сервер s
telecom. CME server (oleg.vigodsky)
CORBA-сервер s
telecom. CORBA server (oleg.vigodsky)
CSC-сервер s
telecom. CSC server (oleg.vigodsky)
DCN-сервер s
telecom. DCN server (oleg.vigodsky)
DMZ-сервер s
telecom. DMZ server (oleg.vigodsky)
ENMS-сервер s
telecom. ENMS server (oleg.vigodsky)
ePO-сервер s
telecom. ePO server (oleg.vigodsky)
FOS-сервер s
telecom. FOS server (oleg.vigodsky)
серверы FS s
telecom. FSs (oleg.vigodsky)
HA-сервер s
telecom. HA server (oleg.vigodsky)
iCPA-сервер s
telecom. iCPA server (oleg.vigodsky)
IN-сервер s
telecom. IN server (oleg.vigodsky)
IP-сервер s
telecom. IP server (oleg.vigodsky)
ISCI-сервер s
telecom. ISCI server (oleg.vigodsky)
JMS-сервер s
telecom. JMS server (oleg.vigodsky)
LDAP-сервер s
telecom. LDAP server (oleg.vigodsky)
LMT-сервер s
telecom. LMT server (oleg.vigodsky)
MF-сервер s
telecom. MF server (oleg.vigodsky)
MMA-сервер s
telecom. MMA server (oleg.vigodsky)
MPOA-сервер s
telecom. MPOA server (oleg.vigodsky)
MSC-сервер s
telecom. MSC server (oleg.vigodsky)
NAT-сервер s
telecom. NAT server (oleg.vigodsky)
NE-сервер s
telecom. NE server (oleg.vigodsky)
Netman-сервер s
telecom. Netman server (oleg.vigodsky)
NMC-сервер s
telecom. NMC server (oleg.vigodsky)
NSR-сервер s
telecom. NSR server (oleg.vigodsky)
OAM-сервер s
telecom. OAM server (oleg.vigodsky)
Oracle-сервер s
telecom. Oracle server (oleg.vigodsky)
Patch-сервер s
telecom. Patch server (oleg.vigodsky)
PPTP-сервер s
telecom. PPTP server (oleg.vigodsky)
серверы CS s
telecom. CSs (oleg.vigodsky)
RGDT-сервер s
telecom. RGDT server (oleg.vigodsky)
SAM-сервер s
telecom. SAM server (oleg.vigodsky)
SPU-сервер s
telecom. server SPU (oleg.vigodsky)
SIP-сервер s
telecom. SIP server (oleg.vigodsky); SIP-Server (oleg.vigodsky)
SM-сервер s
telecom. SM server (oleg.vigodsky)
SMTP-сервер s
telecom. SMTP server (oleg.vigodsky)
SNTP-сервер s
telecom. SNTP server (oleg.vigodsky)
SP-сервер s
telecom. SP server (oleg.vigodsky)
SPOTS-сервер s
telecom. SPOTS server (oleg.vigodsky)
SSL-сервер s
telecom. SSL server (oleg.vigodsky)
сервер оплаты услуг
: 3459 a las frases, 73 temas
Aparatos médicos2
Argot informático6
Banco europeo para la reconstrucción y desarrollo1
Bases de datos25
Cargo de bibliotecario1
Comunicaciones móviles y celulares.3
Correo electrónico2
Cuidado de la salud1
Equipo automatizado8
Equipo de cine1
Equipo de oficina3
Gráficos de computadora3
Hockey sobre hielo1
Industria energetica10
Inteligencia artificial9
Juegos de computadora7
Marca comercial1
Medios de comunicación en masa235
Monitoreo de vibraciones3
Petróleo y gas2
Procesamiento de datos14
Protección del sistema de energía16
Recuperación de desastres2
Red de computadoras516
Sajalín s1
Seguridad de la información y protección de datos30
Significado contextual1
Sistemas de seguridad20
Sistemas operativos6
Tecnología de la información404
Tecnología sap.20
Término militar18