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gen. rule illegal (bookworm)
jur. deem illegal (напр., – profitable until deemed illegal smirnova_mv); declare illegal (предпочтительно: declare something illegal, declare something to be illegal, но допустимо: declare illegal something Евгений Тамарченко); declare it illegal for someone to do something (какое-либо действие кого-либо Евгений Тамарченко); rule as illegal (In November 1994 a High Court ruled as illegal British foreign secretary D.Hurd's allocation of £234..on the grounds that.. OLGA P.); set aside (решение органа или нижестоящего суда – о суде 4uzhoj); invalidate (Leonid Dzhepko)
признать незаконным: 5 a las frases, 2 temas