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gen. primary; prime; primitive; elementary; ultimate; archetypal
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a las frases
первичный adj.acentos
gen. primary; prime; primitive; elementary; ultimate; archetypal; proto; idiopathic; arch-; archi-; arche-; basic; first-time (1: doing something for the first time first-time home buyers [=people who are buying a home for the first time] a first-time visitor a first-time author [=a person who has written a book for the first time] 2: done for the first time The punishment for a first-time offense of this kind is a fine. MWALD Alexander Demidov); archetypical; upstream (из концепции в медицине, заключающейся в лечении причин-истоков заболеваний, а не их последствий primarycareprogress.org iKar_Don); field (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik primigenial; first; fundamental
agroq. sedentary
avia. original (договор страхования Andrew052)
electr. P; pri
embriol. primal (относящийся к структуре на её первой или зародышевой стадии развития Игорь_2006)
equip. primary (напр., о воздухе в двигателе)
geol. protogene; protogenic; protogenous
hemat. de novo (Vadim Rouminsky)
industr. primary (о документе, частице)
ingen. input (ssn)
ingen., antic. primer
IT virgin
makár. elemental; naive; parent; parental; rudimentary; source; ultimate (об источнике)
med. initial; elementary (о зародышевой клетке); primordial
med., makár. essential (о заболевании)
metal. primary aluminum pig
polím. mother
progr. major (ssn)
psic. protopathic
tec. original; gage
ópt. primary colour
первично adv.
Gruzovik first (as adverb)
mat. initially
med. the first effect (The doctirine of double effect. The fist effect is to save the mother´s life, the second (double) effect is to .... Leana)
tec. primarily
первичная adj.
electr. primary
sajal. processing of oil
первичное adj.
psicot. reality
tec. primary test
первичная SCCP adj.
telecom. primary SCCP (oleg.vigodsky)
Первичный adj.
industr. Under-fire (Under-fire air – Первичный воздух Orzhakhovskiy)
beginning inventory < -> первичная adj.
industr. BI (имеющихся ядерных материалов в рамках гарантий МАГАТЭ)
первичная районная: 2 a las frases, 2 temas
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