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gen. justify oneself; purge; offer excuses; make excuses; check out; excuse
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gen. timeout

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gen. condone (плохие поступки: We will not condone, normalize or minimize harmful sexually violent behaviour. • Those are only allegations though, I do not condone him at all but I think we should wait for evidence for us to judge someone. • Whilst I do not condone what he did, I do feel sorry for him as a person.); make allowance (чем-либо); find excuses (for); apologize; bear out; bring off; make good (smth., что-л.); take up-one's pleas (кого-л.); purge; right (кого-л.); warrant; live up to (expectations); justify; acquit (в чём-либо); vindicate; absolve; authorize; defend (меры и т. п.); exonerate; make allowances (чем-либо); allege (чем-либо); condone (плохие поступки); make allowance (чем-либо); hold a brief for (someone Anglophile); match up to (ожидания, надежды и т.д. lexicographer); indulge (evilnero); find excuses (for); absterge; motivate; explain (поведение); clear; blanch over; palliate (преступление); measure up (надежды); make excuses (for someone SirReal)
Gruzovik warrant
Игорь Миг reimburse; reimburse for expenses; recompense expenses; cover up for
antic. convict (свидетельскими показаниями); disblame; excusation
inf. make worthwhile (Sure, audio quality isn’t quite as crisp, but the convenience alone makes it more than worthwhile. 4uzhoj)
jur. exculpate; absolve (по суду); avow (действие); discharge (подсудимого); excuse; legitimate; assoilize
jur., antic. reprieve
jur., inf. alibi
lib. disculpate; sanctify
makár. acquit of (в чём-либо); acquit on (в чём-либо); act up to (ожидания, надежды); check out; gloze over
sism. defend (меры и т.п.)
оправдываться v
gen. justify oneself (Why should I have to justify myself when it was their fault?); purge; offer excuses; make excuses; check out (о гипотезе); excuse; find excuses (mexa); exonerate oneself (Franka_LV); apologize; be defensive (Maria Klavdieva); excuse oneself; make an excuse (Chu); pay dividends (Alexander Demidov); explain away; be worth it (SirReal); give an excuse (Aslandado); prove to be correct (george serebryakov); justify one's actions (george serebryakov); prove one's innocence (george serebryakov); pay off (окупаться If an action pays off, it is successful or profitable after a period of time. george serebryakov); pay back (окупаться george serebryakov); explain yourself (Stregoy); justify one’s actions; justify itself; try to prove one’s innocence; be realized; materialize
Gruzovik vindicate oneself (impf of оправдаться)
educ. justify
fig. wave
inf. tell
jerg. square
jur. explain; disrationare (Право международной торговли On-Line)
makár. hold true; work well; be a success; enter a plea of not guilty; try to justify oneself; try to vindicate oneself
makár., amer. check out
mat. be justified
negoc. clear oneself; come true; offer an alibi; prove correct
psic. explain oneself
vulg. cover one's ass
оправдываясь v
gen. apologetically; under the plea of
оправдывать: 261 a las frases, 31 temas
Americano uso2
Británico uso, no ortografía2
Citas y aforismos2
Derecho penal1
Ingeniería mecánica1
Medios de comunicación en masa7
Procesamiento de madera3
Relaciones públicas1
Sistemas de seguridad2
Término militar4
Traducción explicativa1