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gen. pluck (a quantity of)
Gruzovik pull a quantity of (impf of надёргать); pluck a quantity of (impf of надёргать)
fig., inf. pick at random; select arbitrarily
Gruzovik, fig. pick at random (impf of надёргать); select arbitrarily (impf of надёргать)
Gruzovik, inf. pull on/over (impf of надёрнуть); put on quickly (impf of надёрнуть); slip into (impf of надёрнуть)
inf. slip into; pull (on, over); put on quickly
náut. swig (трос)
надёргиваться v
gen. pluck (a quantity of); select arbitrarily
fig., inf. pick at random
inf. slip into; pull (on, over); put on quickly
надёргивать: 1 a las frases, 1 temas