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makár. acock
gen. prick up; prick; give an edge to
fig. teach; make understand
inf. make understand; sharpen; whet
inf. fig. teach
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ferroc. slide shoe

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gen. become adept (at); perk up (alikssepia); get the hang of (делать что-либо: From M-W: He was finally getting the hang of his job. She's getting the hang of driving. Mr. Lite)
Gruzovik, inf. become good at (pf of навастриваться); acquire skill in (pf of навастриваться); get the hang of (pf of навастриваться)
inf. acquire skill (in); get the hang (of); make understand; sharpen; whet; become good (at)
inf., fig. teach
makár. get skilled (at)
навострить v
gen. prick up (уши); prick (уши Mermaiden); give an edge to; set an edge on
Gruzovik, fig. teach (pf of навастривать); make understand (pf of навастривать)
Gruzovik, inf. sharpen (pf of навастривать)
inf. make understand; whet
inf., fig. teach
навострённый prtc.
gen. sharpened
навострив v
makár. acock (уши)
навострить: 41 a las frases, 6 temas
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