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оступиться vacentos
gen. misstep; slip up; lose one's footing; make a false step; step short; go wrong (xaskin); miss a step (Alex_Odeychuk); trip up (djnickhodgkins); mis-step; miss; slip; lose one's step (Рина Грант); tumble; stumble; miss one's footing; slip from the path of virtue
Gruzovik stumble
fig. hit the banana peel (Taras)
inf. sideslip
makár. commit a faux pas; make a faux pas; trip up (совершить ошибку)
náut. trip
rel. slide
"оступиться" v
ajedr. slip back into the field
оступившийся prtc.
gen. lapser (It was only in 1914 that the Local Government Board formally encouraged local Poor Law unions along these lines, with a recommendation to remove the first-time lapser to some voluntary home (in part subsidised by the local unions) away from the workhouse atmosphere Lily Snape)
: 27 a las frases, 6 temas
Construcción naval1
Salud y seguridad en el trabajo1