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compare [kəm'peə] s
gen. confer lat. (conferatur, confer); cotejar; véase f (confer)
micr. comparar (To check two items, such as words, files, or numeric values, so as to determine whether they are the same or different. In a program, the outcome of a compare operation often determines which of two or more actions is taken next)
compare [kəm'peə] v
gen. contraponer 128 ; medir 128
banc. comparar; compulsar
comun. colacionar
compared v
banc. comparado
comparing [kəm'pεərɪŋ, -'pεrɪŋ] v
mat. comparar
 Inglés tesauro
compare [kəm'peə] abbr.
abrev. c; cmpr; comp; cf. (Vosoni)
abrev., gram. cf. (сравни ssn)
abrev., IT cmp
abrev., polím. cp
tec., abrev. conf
COMPARE [kəm'peə] abbr.
abrev. Citizens Opposing The Megamall And Proposed Access Road Extension
abrev., electr. console for optical measurement and precise analysis of radiations from electronics
abrev., mil., avia. console for optical measurement and precise analysis of radiation from electronics
mil. console for optical measurement and precise analysis of radiation from electronics
COMPARE [kəm'peə] abbr.
abrev., cienc. computer oriented method of programme analysis, review and evaluation
compare: 8 a las frases, 3 temas
Tecnología de la información4