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bdt abbr.
proc. tonelada de madera completamente seca
 Inglés tesauro
BDT abbr.
abrev. Billing Data Transmitter; Telecommunications Development Bureau
abrev., avia. Gbadolite, Congo
abrev., burs. Breed Technologies, Inc.
abrev., educ. Basic Design and Technology (JJ-13)
abrev., fin. Bangladesh Taka
abrev., IT Dictionary; bias data training
abrev., med. block design test (ННатальЯ)
abrev., petról. blowdown test
abrev., progr., IT Benelux Development Team
abrev., sajal. breakdown test
abrev., serv. Business Development Team (Apr 2006)
ecol. best available demonstrated control technology
mil. burst delay timer
tec. brittle to ductile transition
tuber. brittle-ductile transition
BDTS abbr.
abrev., electr. buffered data transmission simulator; bulk data transfer subsystem
BDT abbr.
abrev., cienc. best available demonstrated technology
abrev., electr. beam deflection tube; behavioral design technique; bidirectional transducer; block departure time; BTL delay timer; bulk data transfer; Berkeley Design Technology Incorporation
abrev., extens. Dictionary (Lingvo)
abrev., fís. brightness-difference threshold
abrev., mil., avia. bidirectional data transfer
abrev., petról. Backmann differential thermometer; blow-down test; best demonstrated technology