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 Inglés tesauro
general support
estados. That support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof. véase también direct support, general support-reinforcing; A tactical artillery mission (JP 3-09.3) véase también direct support, general support-reinforcing
mil., logíst. General tactics and field artillery fire support: support which is given to the supported force considered as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof. Thus, at a given echelon, position of an artillery formation kept at the disposal of the combined arms commander. 2-Movement: type of action of traffic control units for the benefit of all the users within an area. It pertains to reporting and watching classified routes as well as intervening to preserve the movement flows. Traffic control units are placed under the command of the commander of the considered area. (FRA)
general support: 7 a las frases, 6 temas
El comercio internacional1