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asset ['æset] s
gen. élément du patrimoine
cont. élément d'actif
derech., econ., fin. actif m
educ. acquis m
fond. avoir m
jur., derech. avantage patrimonial
mark., fin. bien
micr. actif m (An accounting classifier used to classify the value of economic resources that are owned by a party); ressource f (The abstract or concrete resources that a system must protect from misuse by an adversary); élément multimédia (A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server); composant m (An entity that can be added to your project, such as an image file, sound file, movie file, markup file, code file, font file, 3D object, control, style resource, template resource, brush resource, and so on); bien (Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost)
mil., logíst. moyen m
transp. atout m
assets ['æsets] s
gen. masse active
cont. élément d'actif; patrimoine m; éléments de patrimoine
econ., mark. biens; valeurs actives
fin. actifs m; avoirs m; patrimoine d'une société; avoirs propres
jur. biens d'apport
jur., fin. masse f
segur. actif m
asset balance sheet ['æset] s
fin. actif m (bilan)
 Inglés tesauro
ASSET ['æset] abbr.
abrev., automóv. Automotive Student Service Educational Program
abrev., avia. aerothermodynamic/elastic structural system environments test; American Society of Scientific and Engineering Translators
abrev., educ. Allegheny Schools Science Education And Technology; Assessment Of Skills For Successful Entry And Transfer; Australia Surgical Skills Education and Training (peuplier_8)
abrev., electr. all spacer separated element transistor (technology); automated system and software engineering technology; assessment of safety significant event team
abrev., escoc. Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology programme (USA)
abrev., IT Asset Source For Software Engineering Technology; Advanced Support System for Emulation and Test
abrev., makár. air storage system energy transfer plant
abrev., mil. All-Source Satellite Evaluation Tool; Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology
abrev., transp. Airbus Scheduling Software For Editing Timetables
negoc. ASE trading system
tec. advanced skewed sensory electronic triad; assessment of safety significance event team
asset ['æset] s
IT Something of either tangible or intangible value that is worth protecting, including people, information, infrastructure, finances and reputation
mil., logíst. Generic term pertaining to a group of equipment or personnel, providing a capability in the concerned domain. (FRA)
Asset ['æset] abbr.
abrev., fin. A (LyuFi)
ASSET ['æset] abbr.
abrev., avia. airborne sensor system for evaluation and test
abrev., cienc. advanced systems synthesis and evaluation technique
abrev., espac. aerospace structure environmental test; aerothermodynamic structural system evaluation test; advanced system synthesis and evaluation technique; all source satellite evaluation tool
ASSET: 1363 a las frases, 38 temas
Activismo por los derechos humanos1
Ciencias sociales1
Derecho penal8
Derecho procesal5
El comercio internacional5
Estudios culturales2
Física nuclear1
Fondo monetario internacional157
Gobierno corporativo11
Gobierno, administración y servicios públicos4
Naciones unidas6
Nombre de la organización2
Productos minerales1
Tecnología de la información4
Término militar3