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lam ['lɑ:meɪ] s
gen. Ausbruch m; Flucht f; ausbrechen
minería feuerfester Ton
lam ['lɑ:meɪ] v
gen. verdreschen; vermöbeln
 Inglés tesauro
lam ['lɑ:meɪ] abbr.
abrev. laminated
abrev., petról. lamellar; lamination
lam. s
metal. laminated
LAM ['lɑ:meɪ] abbr.
abrev. Lamba; Land Air Mech; laminate; Lobe Attachment Unit (Token Ring); Local Approach Methodology; lymphangioleiomyomatosis (vitatel); Master of Liberal Arts; load accumulator with magnitude
abrev., automóv. laminated glass
abrev., avia. Logical Acknowledgement Message; low altitude missile
abrev., burs. Latin American Investment Fund, Inc.
abrev., electr. label-addressed message; large aperture module; laser amplifier monitor; laser assisted machining; line adapter module; location-addressed memory; low-altitude missile; linear associative memory
abrev., escoc. Laser Aiming Module; Long Aerial Mine
abrev., extens. Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player)
abrev., fisiol. Lactational Amenorrhea Method
abrev., fisiol., med. Laminectomy; LymphAngioleioMyomatosis
abrev., físic. look-at-me
abrev., intern. Leave A Message; Look At Me
abrev., IT Lobe Access Module; Local Area Multicomputer; Local Area Multiprocessor; Streaming audio metafile; lobe access module
abrev., makár. "look-at-me"; longitudinal acoustic mode
abrev., marc. Lyn Ashley Music
abrev., meteorol. Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (harser); Lymphangiomyomatosis; Laboratory Animal Medicine; left atrial mean (pressure, pressure)
abrev., mil. Light Attack Munition; Louisiana Maneuvers; Land Attack Missile; Loitering Attack Munition (qwarty); land-attack missile
abrev., náut., cient. Limited Area Model
abrev., polím. longitudinal acoustical mode
abrev., serv. Lock Assembly Machine (robotic machine that operates on software integrated circuits that sends and receives data from the computer to a signal controller interface (to make Arrow locks))
comp. line access module
meteorol. low altitude mission
Lam ['lɑ:meɪ] abbr.
abrev. laminated wire
abrev., med., lat. lamina
lat. Lamentations
Lam. abbr.
abrev. lamination
abrev., cienc. lamellar
LAM ['lɑ:meɪ] abbr.
abrev., avia. landing attitude modification; lateral autopilot module
abrev., cienc. line acquisition module
abrev., espac. launch area monitor; launcher action message; liquid apogee motor
abrev., petról. limited aperture migration; line acquisition model; lithological attributes matrix; low attenuation mark
: 13 a las frases, 6 temas
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