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gen. Schlürfen; nippen; in kleinen Schlucken trinken; schlückchenweise trinken; Schlückchen
gen. genippt; schlürfte; geschlürft
tec. Pruefung nach der Sipping-Test-Methode
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 instant message
red d. Sofortnachricht
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gen. sowie
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gen. Anwesenheit
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gen. Apparat
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sip [sɪp] v
gen. Schlürfen; nippen; in kleinen Schlucken trinken; schlückchenweise trinken; Schlückchen
sipped v
gen. genippt; schlürfte; geschlürft
sips [sɪps] v
gen. nippt; schlürft
sipping v
tec. Pruefung nach der Sipping-Test-Methode
 Inglés tesauro
SIP [sɪp] abbr.
abrev. sleep inducing peptide
abrev., carg. standard interchange protocol
abrev., medios. system of information providers
abrev., metal. submerged injection process
abrev., micr. single in line package
abrev., mil. self-igniting phosphorus (asia_nova)
abrev., mil., avia. safety improvement program
abrev., publ. Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa
SIP [sɪp] abbr.
abrev. School Improvement Program; Soft Input Panel; Standards In Practice; State Implementation Plan; Structurally Insulated Panels; Submission Information Package; Systematic Investment Plan; SACLANT intelligence plan; Sale In Progress; Sales Inventory Purchase; SCSI-3 Interlocked Protocol (SAM); Seasonal Idiot Pass; Service Interface Point; Shareholder Investment Program (Procter & Gamble 4uzhoj); ship in place (InessaS); Shit In Pants; Shooting Is Pointless; Simulated Input Processor; Simulations In Physics; Sin In Pants; SMDS Interface Protocol; Special Interest Program; Spring Intensive Program; Standard Information Package; Standard Investment Planning; Student Initiated Project; Support Incident Pack; Symbolic Input Program; System Enhancement Program; System Interface Procedure; The Subaru Information Pages
abrev., agric. Seasonal Irrigation Program
abrev., apar. sample item portion (igisheva)
abrev., armas. safe interval prediction
abrev., avia. sampling inspection procedure; service interphone; signal identification processor; signal/image processing; source inspection program; specification installation plan; standard inspection inspect procedure; System Installation Plan; structure inspection plan; structural inspection procedure; software installation plan
abrev., cienc. screen input processor; short irregular pulsation; solvent-in-pulp (process); strongly implicit finite-difference procedure; strongly implicit procedure (method)
abrev., com. Società Italiana per l'esercizio telefonico S.p.A.
abrev., comun. Session Initiating Protocol
abrev., constr. Structural Insulated Panels (ВВладимир)
abrev., dep. Stay In Play
abrev., econ. special initiatives project
abrev., educ. School Improvement Plan; Schools Integration Project; Social Interactive Playtime
abrev., educ., cient. Student Information Portal
abrev., electr. SAGE improvement program; scientific instruction processor; self-interpreting program (generator); service identifier packet; session initial protocol; short irregular pulse; sidewall of inner line pattern; silicon intellectual property; simple Internet protocol; SINCGARS Improvement Program; single in-line pin (package); single in-line plastic package; software inspection process; solar instrument probe; source input program; standard interface protocol; step-index profile; strictly information preserving; subscriber interface processor; subscriber interface protocol; SCSI interlocked protocol
abrev., electr., cient. Single Inline Package
abrev., escoc. Secondary Improvement Programme; Segment Interface Protocol; Sonar Information Processor; Surface Impact Propulsion; System Improvement Programme
abrev., espac. satellite inspection program; satellite interceptor program; standard interface panel; surface impulsion propulsion
abrev., farmac. Steam in Place (Игорь_2006)
abrev., fin. strategic investment program (Метран); Systemic Investment Plan (aht)
abrev., gest. Strategic Implementation Plan (Trained to operate BP’s own Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) PlanIt software and to be the SIP champion for all the GWO Engineering teams. ixtra)
abrev., gost. signal input part (IEC 60601-1, ed. 3.0 (2005-12) harser)
abrev., industr. substance identity profile (igisheva)
abrev., intern. Service Information Portal (позволяет поставщикам услуг быстро создавать и настраивать под конкретного клиента информационные виды данных о функционировании каждой используемой им услуги в виде сетевого портала. Поставщик услуг определяет содержание и формат этой информации таким образом, чтобы гарантировать максимальное удобство при её просмотре ВВладимир)
abrev., IT Scilab Image Processing; Session Initiation Protocol; Software Input Panel; SCSI-3 interlocked protocol (Bricker); single-in-line package (Bricker); Software Isolated Process (kvarkk); single in-line package
abrev., jur. Semiconductor Intellectual Property
abrev., med. sterilization in place (harser)
abrev., mil. System Implementation Plan; System Improvement Program; Single In-line Package (RAM chip); standard inspection procedures
abrev., negoc. Schedule Into Production
abrev., nombr. Shell International Petroleum Co.
abrev., petr. selective inflow performance (Bauirjan); shut-in pressure (MichaelBurov); static pressure (MichaelBurov); well shut-in pressure (MichaelBurov)
abrev., petról. Social Infrastructure Projects (Yeldar Azanbayev); shut-in pressure; onshore injection plant; selective injection packer; selective interval packer; self-installing platform; sodium isopropyl xanthate; software integration platform; sonar instrumentation probe; spectral induced polarization; strongly implicit equation; symbol input program; standard temperature and pressure
abrev., polím. stress-induced plasticization
abrev., progr., IT Self Initiated Program
abrev., red d. service identification packet
abrev., red d., IT Session Initialization Protocol; Smds Interface Protocol
abrev., sajal. Strategy Implementation Plan; security introduction program
abrev., tec. single in-line package (MichaelBurov); Shield Isolation Point (eugeene1979); sterilize in place (Метран)
abrev., telecom. shielded twisted pair; signaling transfer point
abrev., teng. Shelter In Place (Prastabah)
abrev., transp. Side Impact Protection
abrev., valor. sharebuilder investment plan
aerop., avia. Simferopol, Ukraine
ecol. state implementation plan; study of interplanetary phenomena
industr. safety improvement program; safety incentive program; sputter ion pump
meteorol. special implementation project
mil. satellite information processor; security inspection program; standard inspection procedure; supersonic infantry projectile; supply improvement program
perf. Shelter In Place (УНМ - Укрытие на местах ZhalgasT)
tec. safety injection pump; satellite inspector program; scientific instrument package; separation instrument package; Shelter implementation plan; short irregular pulses; specific input power; sputter ion plating; sputter-ion pump; Stay-in-Place; strain isolation pad; strongly implicit procedure; Swedish international project; system initialization program
sip [sɪp] abbr.
abrev., med., lat. sirupus
SIP: 19 a las frases, 5 temas